"My mommy always said there were no monsters - no real ones - but there are."

She was singing in the park next to the snowman. It was like a bard singing.

When she was a young girl she was always told that monsters do not exist. Sadly, she had to discover the truth herself. This is how her song started.

She kept singing:

*The time has come, it's now... *
I need to tell you how
I finally defeated 'em allll!

People from all corners of the park arrived and we all heard her story. She sang about 7 monsters she discovered and defeated. I've never heard something like this before.

Monster 1: Envy

It was a sleeping one, but as a teenager she was regularly defeated by the monster called Envy. She tried fighting and won. However it did't completely disappear for the next 50 years.

Monster 2: Gloom

This one was patient. It was waiting for the right moment and cause maximum damage. The attack was planned and executed few weeks after her 17th birthday and it was regularly damaging he friendships until she finally realized what was happening at the age of 22. She completely defeated gloom at the age of 52.

Monster 3: Greed

Six months after her first job realized that her salary is not enough to satisfy all her needs. She received a boost of motivation to quit and find another one that brings he enough income. It took her 10 more years to discover the third monster living inside her called Greed and 15 more years to finally defeat it.

Monster 4: Impatience

Competing with time made her feel alive. One morning at the age of 47 she went to bed and started crying. She was deceived discovering that the monster called Impatience had secretly stealing the treasures she was trying to cultivate in her heart. It took her 22 more years to finally defeat that one.

Monster 5: Despondency

As a teenager she confused Despondency with something beneficial to have when writing poetry. Then one day she looked herself at the mirror in a moment of despondency and she saw it: it was Despondency that was stealing the joy inside her. And because she was percipient in her efforts, Despondency became the first monster to be defeated. When then monster finally left she used the emptied space inside herself to cultivate as much joy as possible - her poetry drastically improved.

Monster 6: Fear and Doubt

Dear and Doubt are twins. Initially they were both defeated at the moment at the moment she finally found herself. The self awareness allowed her to discover that she is weak. This is why she wasn't surprised when Fear and Doubt were chasing her until her last years among us.

Monster 7: Pride

I'm not sure if she managed to overcome that one. Until her last moments she wasn't sure if Pride is a monster at all. She was proud of the way she lived... but there were some moments... moments when she had to regret for her mistakes and she couldn't, because there was something... something inside her not allowing her...yes.. it was Pride...

This is the end of her story. Later I discovered that her name is Doris Antony-Leumberg - 87 years old lady, a mother of 2 sons, an usual citizen ... or rather say a quite an unusual one.


This is a free write type of story I enjoy starting this morning with. Enjoy a great Friday everyone! :)

The quote in the title belongs to Sigorney Weaver from Alien: Resurrection (1997).
The photo was taken yesterday at one of our city parks.


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