Sarah's Strange Dream

It was a beautiful morning at Cedar River bank . Robert and I were enjoying our breakfast, when he suddenly interrupted me. I was complaining about the bad service we recently got at Ellis Golf Course coffee at Cedar Rapids.

(This is the beginning of the girlfriend's dream and the post is my entry to @sjennon's Sleeptalk Challenge #01. I guess I went too far, but this is my style: creative and authentic as much as my limits allow me. Ok, let's get back to the conversation on the river's bank :)

Robert: Sarah! I got the point. Please don't worry too much about that. You know... we should give people a chance to improve. That's how they become better and better.

Now, could you please give me a bit of your puppy chow and let me ask you once again. Would you like to take part in this year's Cedar River's King's Cup Jetski Competition or not? I really need someone I can trust. Last year we had to skip recording a nice video overview after the race, because the camera man we hired just disappeared in the very last moment.

Sarah: Dear Robert, just get it right - I'm not a professional camera man. I'm afraid that I won't be able to do it in the way you imagine. However, I'd really like to help you somehow. Maybe I could be responsible for accepting the competitors applications this time? I'm pretty good in communicating. We have the database with all their contacts. I'll be able to start outreaching them by the end of next week.

Robert: Let me think a bit... Right.. Okey Sarah. Let's do it this way. I may ask Joshua to be the one responsible for the camera this time. From now on, you'll be responsible for all the tasks related to competitor's applications. Just make sure you prepare everything on time for them. They hate being pushed in the last few days. And don't put the shed on the street. Don't do it on the street, because last year we almost got an incident at the end of the race, I'm sure you remember..

Sarah: Okey hubby. Yes, I remember, they just forgot that they had to slow down and wait for each other. Everyone got pretty impatient.

Robert: Good. Any ideas for this year's race uniform?

Sarah: Feel free to check my skirt from last year. I keep it on the highest shelf in the wardrobe. By the way, are we ready for this weekend's visit to my parents?

Robert: Yeah more or less. I still can't forget your dad's reaction to Shenkie's piercing: 'Shenkie, how could your piercing be so cute.' I thought he'll start criticizing. Even I don't approve it in the way he did. If kids were following a bit more traditional role models nowadays, I doubt if Shenkie would ever think about piecing or any kind of tattoos.

Sarah: Don't worry Robert. I believe, once she turns 21, her way of thinking will slowly start changing. Do you remember how you behaved at the beginning of the 90s? I've never seen such a vivid Nirvana fan waving the US flag and shouting at the top of the roof on the day of their concert in Des Moines.

Robert: You are right, Sarah. Sometimes I forgot what a treasure you are. Now let's discuss if wehave enough power to take part in RAGBRAI this year.

~ The End ~

Pfew... I really enjoyed writing that one. To learn more about me just go to my main profile page and take a look at the topics I cover.

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