Second Creative Writing Challenge Prelaunch Announcement

Hello everyone!

I'm so excited to announce that we'll soon launch a new edition of the Creative Writing Challenge!

The break is over and the window for new applicants is opening with this post.

In case haven't heard about the Creative Writing Challenge

This is a simple to follow contest and your goal for each included task is to write and submit a post according to a certain set of rules. In most cases you are required to write a story.

As we've all concluded based on the first challenge: the SBD award is something tiny compared with the rest of the benefits for each of the participants that has decided to follow the challenge.

Some people suddenly found an inspiration to finish their books that was left untouched for more than 2 decades.

Most of the participants who were active have established a good writing routines. I've personally improved my English and my memory.

In the first edition we had 5 participants that managed to submit entries for all of the nine tasks. This is why they've also received a SBD price award that was accumulated thanks to the generosity of a number of sponsors.--

2nd Creative Writing Challenge: Rules, Prize pool and tasks


We are increasing the deadline to submit a new post to 72 hours and new tasks will be announced on Mondays and on Thursdays. Sunday doesn't count as in the previous cycle.

There will be 9 new tasks and to finish successfully you'll need to submit posts for each of the tasks. Of course, anyone is invited to participate even after we've launched the contest. I'll still mention their names in the next round's tables with posts. The only thing newcomers won't be able to share with the ones that has started from the very beginning is the SBD prize award.

Prize pool

The price pool we start with is 10 SBD. Hopefully, as it happened the first time generous sponsors will contribute and it perwill increase much more. My personal advice is to forget about it. I'll be regularly keep track of what's happening with that component of the contest, however your goal will be solely devoting on training your creative writing muscle - that will be the most valuable award you could 'bring back home' at the end after task N9.


I've put efforts to write various tasks that should entertain you and challenge you at the same time :) The feedback from the first 9 tasks was outstanding. As I've already admitted in the 7 Curious Facts About the Making of Creative Writing Challenge
, not every task was planned in advance. This time I'm a bit better prepared and won't pass through the stress I had last month. What I have are 11 drafts for tasks and I guess that by the time of announcing the first one, I should already have 4-5 more. So yeah, there's a good selection to choose from.

How to become a participant?

We'll make few pre-launch posts to get as much participants on board as possible. To participate, just leave a comment that you'd be happy to participate and you'll find your @name in a table in the next post.


If you see a flaw in the post and something is not clear enough, please let me know in the comments as well. I'll be happy to provide you with my best answer.

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