Shipwreck Writing Challenge: Rules and Awards Announced!

Welcome to another update on the Shipwreck Writing Challenge!

We have already:

This time I'll announce the prizes and introduce the rules.

At the end of the post we'll see the current list of the participants and open more spots.


Like in the previous rounds, we'll shoot out to Steemians and encourage them to become sponsors of the contest. This time each one of them will have their own place at the end of the post. They will get the opportunity to promote their communities, products and services.


  • 1st place gets: 3 SBD and 50 Whaleshares and the GOLD MEDAL of the Shipwreck Writing Challenge

  • 2nd place gets: 2 SBD and 40 Whaleshares and the SILVER MEDAL of the Shipwreck Writing Challenge

  • 3rd place gets: 1 SBD and 30 Whaleshares and the BRONZE MEDAL of the Shipwreck Writing Challenge

  • 4rd place gets: 25 Whaleshares

  • 5th place gets: 20 Whaleshares

  • 6th place gets: 15 Whaleshares

The rest will also get smaller amounts of Whaleshares.

She will secure more Whaleshares for the places after 6th and there will be surprises for our jury as well. More details over the next week.


The contest consist of 3 rounds. Each round you'll be given 3 options to choose from. Each option will describe a shipwreck and some curious facts related TO the tragic event.

Everyone of the participants should choose only one option and write a story related TO the shipwreck. These are 3 different opportunities for you to exercise your creative writing skills.

The deadline for each round is 7 days.

The minimum length for your stories is 700 words and the maximum length is 1500 words.
Try to include at least one image as this will also help you get more points.

A jury that consist of members of @thewritersblock will be reading and rating your stories from 1 to 10.

The results for each round will be announced once the jury is ready. We won't push them to hurry up. Instead, once the deadline for the first round is hit, I'll just announce the beginning of the second round and offer you 3 new options to choose from.

The same rules for the submissions apply for Round 2 and Round 3.

I'll soon announce the members of the jury.


At the moment we have 15 participants. There were 4 early birds + 10 free spots to take. The 15th participant joins the short list and waits for the next time new spots are being announced. And this time is now:

The contest will accept 5 more participants.


  • Welcoming members of the jury
  • Welcoming more new participants
  • Launching the challenge!

Q & A:

Q: What will happen if more than 20 people apply in total?

A: They'll be still allowed to participate, however their entries won't be rated by the jury and they won't be able to receive prizes. What they will get though are the SP and SBD rewards from their own stories plus I'll feature their submissions after each round along with the stories of the 20 challengers.

Q: When is the contest launching?

A: As soon as we get 5 more participants and announce the members of the jury. I think it will happen on Friday at latest, so I can say that the contest will be launched on Friday.

Let me know if you have any other questions and I'll be happy to answer in a timely manner.


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