The Creative Writing Challenge Pre-Launch Post #2

Exactly two days ago on a lovely Saturday, you were invited to take part in a creative writing challenge as an opportunity to test and hopefully improve your creative writing skills. We've now entered a new week and my invitation is still valid.


Why wouldn't you want to sharpen your creative writing skills?

Aren't words like powerful weapons for you?

For me they are.

I need to become a better story teller, because:

  • I'd like to tell the stories of extraordinary people like @hristoatanasov and any other personality living out of their comfort zone and challenging the status quo
  • Be able to create amazing stories based on simple ground like an old picture
  • Tell my own story (probably not in the next 5 years, but still.. would be nice to be well prepared by then:))

@steemfluencer presents-.png

If you feel that deeply inside you there's a writer looking to find an exit to the surface, then do not waste the time you are given anymore. This creative writing challenge is a golden opportunity for boosting your inner creativity and leading you to a brand new, better version of yourself.

Ready to jump in this new challenge?

Price pool

The current prize pool is 10 SBD. It will be increased and we are looking for sponsors to donate 1, 5, 10 or any other nice looking number of SBD.


In a sequence of 9 posts you'll receive a different creative writing challenge to write and publish on your own Steemit blog. It will be like a game and those of you who cope with all the tasks will share the price pool at the end. People who end up close enough to the finish line will be rewarded as well.

If you are patient enough, you'll still see a table with the dates of all the 9 challenges in advance.

I'll be submitting the instructions in a separate post during the Monday-Friday time frame and we won't count the weekends. Before that, we need to get enough participants with few informative Pre-Launch Posts.

NB! The not so obvious benefits of taking part in this challenge:


  • a significant improvement of your creative writing skills
  • a chance to build new healthy writing routines (the same hidden benefit as @merej99's challenge)
  • an opp to compare your work with the one of your colleagues and discover personal weaknesses to improve
  • connecting with other people with the same interest able to give you feedback and encourage you during the challenge and beyond that

How to take part in the challenge?

If it sounds appealing enough to you and you would like to jump in the challenge: leave your comment below and say: I'd like become one of the challengers.

Current list of challengers:
Two Steemians already had the guts to jump in.

Name of challenger


P.S. Cover image was made on

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