Always on. And how to turn it off.

Power Button

Push the power button.

That’s it.


But it’s not that easy, right? There isn’t a compelling reason to and no better alternative to keep my attention.

But what use is it to pay attention to garbage?

What good does it do to read another article, post, blog, news story…?

“Well, I am leaning,” I lie.

What have I retained?

Maybe there is something more. Maybe my neurotransmitters don’t just crave but demand.

Am I a slave to impulse? What happened? A slow erosion of self-control.

But is it?

I once heard it said that: “Philosophy is the Sport of Kings”. But can’t a simple man dream?

Maybe this connectivity is stronger. We can instantly share our minds deepest thoughts.

Maybe that is why we are always searching.

And oh the things that I have found.




But these too can be fleeting. Unless they are nurtured, cultivated, and cherished.

But these things aren’t quantifiable.

And so I remain: always on.

Until my last breath.

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