#14 - A story about an angel in love with a whore

The writing prompt was:

"A fallen angel in love with a whore."

Provided by: @thewolfdarby

writing prompt fulfilled _ 400x240.png

She got home just as I was making myself breakfast.

»So, how was work?«

»Same old smelly men, nothing special.«

When she hugged me from behind and gave me a kiss, she noticed I didn't look sleepy like I usually do this early in the morning.

»So what were you up to all night?« She asked as she sat down by the table.


I didn't want to start this. We've had this argument more times than I remember. She always came up with some silly excuse and I always gave in. It was a vicious cycle. But today I decided to put an end to it. The stakes were too high. I now finally had a chance to get my life back.

She looked at me from under her forehead and gave me the look.

»Yeees? Don't make me pull it out of you.«

»Gabriel called around midnight.«

»That son of a-... I never liked him. He thinks he's so much better than anyone else.«

»Berta, you don't know him. You never even saw him.«

»So? I don't like him. I don't want you talking to him. Last time- ... I bet he told you to dump me again.«

»No, he made me an offer.«

I could feel my voice becoming raspy.

»He told me to tell you the truth.«

Her smile was replaced with a serious face.

»Okay, what do you mean?«

»I used to be an angel before I met you. White wings and all. I was sent by Gabriel to stray you from the paths of adultery, but I got emotionally attached to you.«

I could practically see question marks above her head.

»It was my first real mission, actually. And having failed my first task, I didn't quite make an impression on Gabriel. So he asked me to return to Heaven and offered me a desk job, which I declined. I told him I wasn't leaving here. I told him I wasn't leaving you. So he clipped my wings and banished me.«

»Wait, wait. I don't understand any of this.«

»Alright. I'll try again. I was sent from Heaven to stop you from selling yourself. You are still a whore, and I'm no longer an angel. Now do you un-«

She walked up to me and slapped me before I could finish my sentence.

»We talked about this, Jared! I told you I loved my job and you said you didn't mind!«

»And I didn't. Back then.«

»Again? How many times do I have to tell you I only love you, Jared? How many times, hm?«

»It's not about that, Berta. Gabriel gave me an opportunity to return to Heaven.«

»What, I need to quit my job so you can get your fancy wings back? Not happening! Besides, why did he want you to tell me all this anyway? Isn't this top secret or whatever?«

»It is.«

I could feel tears building up in my eyes before I executed Gabriel's final command.

»He just wanted me to learn my lesson.«

I picked up a butterknife from the counter and stabbed her repeatedly until her body had finally given up.


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Previous writing prompts fulfilled:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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Tomorrow's writing prompt:

"Your idea in the comments"

provided by: @"your name here"

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