Mistress of Magic: Morgan's First Apprentice - Chapter 3 - The Demonstration [NSFW]

Warning! This chapter includes very graphic written descriptions of intimate relations (aka porn). Consider thyself warned.

Morgan took my hand and led me up the stairs. The double-doored gateway to the Mistress’ bedroom looked slightly ajar and the smell of scented candles wafted from within. Morgan opened the doors wide, revealing a large candle-lit bedroom with a canopy bed and heavy drapes. Facing the bed was a sofa and the floor was covered with soft-looking rugs. On one of the rugs, at the foot of the bed, was a kneeling Knight of the Order of Brothers - Draken. He was naked, aside from the golden collar around his neck.

‘So that's what a naked man looks like,’ I thought. All the parts looked pretty much like they did in the books and tests, but Draken was certainly a handsome specimen of manhood by any standard. His chest was wide, hairless, his arms and legs muscular and smooth. Hands clasped behind his back and his knees spread, his privates hung freely and I did my best not to stare.

Draken’s head was bent forward and strands of his sand-colored hair hid his eyes from view until Morgan walked over to him and lifted his chin with her finger.

"I was going to make you wait a while longer, to give young Lilith time to adjust, but I think she wouldn't mind a demonstration of your skill and ability," Morgan murmured at him. "Lilith, please shut the doors," she said, her eyes still locked on his.

"Yes, Mistress," I mumbled as I hurried to shut the heavy double doors.

"Draken, my dearest, what do you think of Lilith?" She turned to face me. Now they were both looking at me and I felt as naked as he was. Perhaps more naked, though that would have been impossible.

"I think she is shy, but curious, Mistress," he replied.

"I tend to disagree." Morgan smiled. "I don't think she's shy at all." She placed her hand on the side of Draken's head and ran her fingers through his hair. He looked up at her, hands still clasped behind his back and she turned her head to meet his gaze.

Running both her hands down his shoulders, she took a step closer to him so that his face was directly in front of her belt. I could see his body was responding already. It was the anticipation. I sensed it in myself as well.

"Lilith, take a seat on the sofa," Morgan commanded, eyes still locked with Draken's, her hands still caressing his broad shoulders. I obeyed. The double-seater was comfortable and I sank into it, leaning to one side.

Morgan raised Draken to his feet with a single finger placed under his chin, and he stood up slowly to face his Mistress. He was a head taller than she was, but looked small next to her. Naked and exposed. She nodded at the bed and he got onto it. Only at this point had I noticed how neatly the young knight had prepared the room. His clothes were folded on a chest next to the couch. The candles were just recently lit and the covers were stacked on the edge of the bed.

Morgan circled the four-poster and produced rope cuffs tied to each of the posts. They were there, tucked between mattress and bedframe, hidden from sight for no apparent reason. Although Morgan claimed she wasn’t much for formality, the bondage was mostly a matter of tradition. A lady, especially a Mistress, would never need to tie a man down to accept power. It was symbolic. A ceremonial gesture to signify the bond between a lady and her knight, never required but often practiced.

I took particular interest in the art of bondage and pain, though the religious and ceremonial aspects of it seemed somewhat old-fashioned to me. The connection between pleasure and pain fascinated me. How could two such opposite physical sensations create the same response in the body, if applied at the right time? As for bondage – I just liked how playful and physical it could be when we learned it at the College and practiced on one another. Turning the body into a work of art using nothing but ropes may have been a purely ceremonial activity for some, but I enjoyed the aesthetic value more.

Morgan took her time cuffing Draken's arms and legs to each pole. He watched her with complete surrender and acceptance. To me, his loyalty was beautiful and I was almost jealous. I wondered what my first knight would be like. Would I love him? Not just as a guard and servant, but really love him?

"I haven't too much time to play, and I am hungry." Morgan’s words brought my attention back to the happening in the room. I wasn't sure if she was talking to me or Draken, but her eyes were peering into the eyes of the bound Knight. "I will make it quick.. You will learn what you need to learn, Lilith.” Yes, she was speaking to me. “But I will have my fun."

As she spoke, Morgan unfastened her belt. She let it drop on the floor, and her robe dress followed, piling around her feet. No undergarments. The Mistress was prepared as well.

Morgan's body revealed her age perhaps more than her face. Her bosom was lush and full, her thighs and legs toned to perfection, but not those of a young girl. Her long black hair rested against her white skin in stark contrast in the candle light. I tried not to gasp too loudly at just how regal she looked standing bare over a bound man.

I wasn't the only one impressed. I could see Draken's body responding gradually to the sight of Morgan's naked form and her brief touch against his skin when she tied him to the bed. He breathed in short shallow breaths that hastened when Morgan lay beside him, casting one long leg over his, sliding her knee up the inside of his thighs until it rested firmly beneath his testicles.

"Have you missed me, my dear Draken?" she purred as her fingers traced his brow and jawline. Morgan continued to run her fingers down his chest, abdomen and hips, as though ignoring the towering erection just in reach.

"Yes, Mistress," he breathed. Morgan's blue eyes glistened as she licked her lips and allowed her hand to creep slowly toward Draken's cock. She wrapped her fingers around the shaft and he shivered slightly, limbs tugging a bit on the restraints. Her hand rose and lowered slowly as she propped her head on her other hand, watching Draken's face.

"Look at her," Morgan whispered and now I was the one shivering. Draken's eyes met mine and a storm of gray gazed at me, but seemed to see right through me. I could tell he was in the place where he most desired to be.
Morgan moved her face closer to Draken's neck and kissed it, gently at first then deeper and harder, until she bit down. The knight’s eyes closed, a tiny moan escaping his throat. I shivered again. That sound. Pleasure and pain composing a note for a song to accompany this uniquely routine but intimate interaction.

Her hand began to move up and down faster along his cock, as she pulled her face away from his neck. The faster Morgan’s hand moved, the faster Draken’s hips followed in rhythm.

And then I saw it – The Power.

Small specks of light began to swirl in the air around Draken. Like miniature white fireflies born from his skin, looking for their home. And found it they have. They landed on Morgan's skin and were absorbed immediately, giving her skin a faint glow as they did. With each passing moment, with every movement of Morgan's hand on Draken's manhood, there were more of them, moving faster. By the time Draken's moans became audible enough for me to hear over the drumming of my own pulse, the light of Power was brighter than the candles.

"Come close, Lilith," Morgan said, and her voice seemed to echo through me. I pushed myself up and walked toward the bed, toward the light. "Sit beside us. Watch. Learn. But do not touch or speak." I obeyed, suddenly very glad that the bed was big enough for me to sit comfortably with enough room away from Draken's arm and leg to avoid touching him by accident.

Morgan lifted herself and straddled Draken, pressing his erection against his stomach with her weight. His lips parted, a tiny moan escaping them and he stared up at her as though I wasn't even there.

"You know how important it is to keep control of your hunger when you feed. Never take too much," she spoke to me, but her eyes were fixed on Draken's as she began to move, sliding her labia against his shaft. "Feel him. Know him. Follow his rhythm and know when to stop feeding and let him have his satisfaction. Unless you wish to be cruel."

Morgan’s body rose slightly, letting Draken's cock straighten. She lowered herself onto him, her lips parting as she took him into her inch by inch, slowly and carefully, lingering on the sensation. She let out a breath of satisfaction as he slipped fully into her. Draken was blinking slowly, frozen in place as though hoping to never let go of the sensation. The specks of light from his skin came in larger, faster waves, swirling against his skin, making him glow. His collar shone with reflections from the specks of power.

Then she began to move. Slowly at first, then gradually faster. Morgan's body writhed like that of a dancer, in an increasing tempo of hip and thigh movements. She threw her head back, eyes shut and when she lifted it and opened her eyes, they were glowing with power, white and luminous.

Morgan waved her hand through the air and Draken's bindings were undone from his arms and legs. I sensed the spell as she cast it, and its notes echoed through me. The Knight’s knees folded, feet gliding on the sheets. Morgan leaned back to place her palms on his thighs. He knew exactly how she wanted him.

Draken’s back arched, and Morgan wrapped her legs around him, lifting him to face her as she rode him faster and faster. She smiled at him, and one of his hands reached down between them to touch her where she desired. She gasped, increasing the rhythm of her movement, never losing sync with Draken's. I watched the motion of their bodies and the light of power around them mesmerized. This was it. This was what all the fuss is about. This is what it looked like, and by all the Gods and Goddesses it looked incredible. I wanted to experience this more than I wanted anything in my life. A familiar pressure and heat itched inside me and I tried to slow my breath.

"Now," Morgan's voice seemed to whisper out of every corner of the room at once. "Give me what you have to give," she moaned.

The specks of light were dancing madly between and around Draken and Morgan’s bodies. I could nearly feel them brush against my skin. Their reflection against my sweaty hands made me realize I had been clutching at the sheet for a while now, watching the astounding show of power as I held my breath.

Morgan's body arched forward, her hands landing on Draken's chest. Her nails sunk into his skin, not enough to draw blood, but enough to hurt and as the light exploded around them, I heard Morgan let out something between a scream of victory and a moan of ecstasy.

The room suddenly darkened, leaving only the flickering illumination of candles. My eyes were adjusting to it when I realized Morgan was now eyeing me with a soft smile and a light behind her eyes that I had never seen before, but heard so much about. She didn't even bother trying to hide it and I could nearly taste her strength in the air. Draken was staring at me too, but his eyes were unfocused as though he was tired or drunk. His face glistened with sweat and he was panting still.

"Enjoy the show?" Morgan purred at me as Draken reached for a towel on the bed stand. He did think of everything in advance, didn't he?

"It was… very educational," I said, smiling. Morgan looked down at where my hand was still clutching the sheet and I instantly released it. "And… amazing." I added.

"Wait until you are part of it, dear," Morgan teased and slowly rolled herself off Draken. He proceeded to clean himself of the body fluids and sweat. Practical, even with the fatigue that follows the giving of power.

Morgan stood and stretched, specks of spell parts spinning around her, cleansing her skin and hair. She waved her hand in the air and her dress floated up from the floor, wrapping around her body, followed by her belt that fastened itself. She weaved the spell as quickly and skillfully as she did the unbinding spell earlier. I blinked and stared. I had never seen magic used so casually before. In my studies, I learned that every bit of power was to be cherished, spent only to serve, protect and create. But I wasn’t surprised to learn Mistresses cared little about wasting power, especially when it was so easily attained.

Draken had just finished getting cleaned with the towel and was sitting on the bed beside me, rubbing his wrists where the restraints had been. Morgan bent down toward him and cupped his cheek in her hand.

"Thank you, sweet Draken. You never fail to exceed my expectations." She planted a gentle kiss on his lips. He smiled at her when their faces parted.

Morgan straightened up, passed her hands through her hair and looked at me. "I am starving," she stated. I vaguely wondered how much time had passed since we entered the room. My stomach rumbled in reply.
Morgan signaled me to follow her downstairs to the main room."I think it's about time for lunch."


Previous chapters can be found on the @mistress account that was created exclusively for this novel. Follow @mistress for your weekly installment of Mistress of Magic.

My endless gratitude to the wonderful ladies (and gents) at @isleofwrite for reviewing, editing and holding my shaky hand.

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