Triple S (Creative Writing Challenge: Task #5: Lost Memories)



This is my entry for Creative Writing Challenge: Task #5: Lost Memories

The Task:  To write a story that connects the two images...



"I was quite the popular girl in my college days," uttered Sofia. "I belong to a certain group of three and we were called Triple S."

"That sounds nice... but why Triple S?" Marie asked.

"Good question dear! Triple S stands for Sofia, Sarah and Stella. We are the three most stunning ladies on campus. I remember all the guys in our class were really into us." she smiled as she reminisced those days.

"Oh... that's great then. By the way, do you still keep in touch with Sarah and Stella?"

There was a weird silence after that question. The air suddenly became heavy and the atmosphere eerie. Marie tried to look at Sofia, but the nostalgic smile transformed into something unexplainable. 

"Sofia?" she asked worriedly, "Are you okay? Well, you don't have to answer that question."

Upon saying those words, Marie tried to stand up, but Sofia grabbed her on the wrist. She smiled tauntingly at Marie and asked,"Do you want to know my answer?"

Unexpected goosebumps crawled into her spine... she gulped, still looking at Sofia. Fear came into her as Sofia tightened her grip. "DO YOU WANT TO KNOW?!!!!" 

Marie was so  shocked and unable to move. "Sofia, what's wrong?"

"YOU'RE ASKING ME WHAT'S WRONG?? HUH?? HUH?" her eyes pierced Marie's soul as she began to become more and more hysterical.

A guy in a lab coat entered the room and injected something on her. Probably some tranquilizer because she started to  calm down and eventually lost consciousness.


"That's the current condition of the patient, Ms. Marie. Every time she remembers something about a certain part of her life, she becomes hysterical," the doctor explained.

"I understand... but doctor, do you know the history of the patient?" she inquired.

"We don't know for sure but perhaps you'll be able to find out more when you continue talking with her."

"I hope so... " Marie sighed.


Marie is an investigator and a counselor at the same time. She's interested in solving cases which remained unsolved for a number of years. And the case of "Triple S" in T University which has always been her goal. 

According to the records, a group called "Triple S" has been allegedly gang raped by a group of guys. It was said that it happened when their batch had a reunion and spent the night at a certain beach. The day after their reunion, Triple S went missing. However, a few days later Sofia showed up in their house, traumatized, speechless and somehow out of her mind.

It's been 30 years since then. Sofia is now in her late 50s, but the other members Sarah and Stella are yet to be found.


"Good morning, Sofia! You seem to be in a good mood today..." Marie commented.

"Marie! How are you? I didn't see you the whole week!" she answered excitedly.

"Yeah... I'm sorry about that. I've been busy in the office, but now I can spend more time with you. And.. I brought your favorite cake!"

"Wow! Thanks dear. You're simply the best," Sofia exclaimed.


For the past few months, Marie tried to establish rapport and gain Sofia's trust. Sofia is the only key she had left to solve the case. 

One day...

"Marie, do you remember when we first met and I told you about Triple S?" 

"Yes, I do. What about it, Sofia?" she asked, trying to hide her shock and excitement.

"I still keep in touch with Sarah and Stella." she went as close as possible to Marie and whispered,"We see each other every day."

Marie, who was still in shock, tried to act normal. "Huh? What do you mean, Sofia?" she asked as she tried to put a distance between them.

"They're here... with us. Don't you see them?"she asked.

"What? I don't see anyone apart from us here. You're scaring me."

Sofia let out a laugh... 

"You don't? Hahaha... If you want to see them, I can send you to their world." she started to say in a serious yet dark tone. 

"What do you mean, Sofia?" she tried to be brave despite her deafening heartbeat she's experiencing at the moment.

"Marie... my dear. Come closer, I'll tell you a secret." Sofia gestured her to shorten their distance.

Reluctantly, Marie complied and brought herself nearer. "What's this secret that you want to tell me?"

"Hush, dear..." Sofia creepily smiled. She then handed her a piece of paper. "Read it."

Marie opened the paper which read, "I brought them to that world... You're next!"

When she looked at Sofia, it was too late... The knife Sofia has been hiding for so long successfully penetrated her chest.



I've always wanted to write a psychological horror type of story. I hope this one passed for an amateur like me. Hahaha.. Feedback and constructive criticism are much appreciated.


Thanks for dropping by!

Love lots, @tegoshei

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