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The greatest sculptor in the history of art - Constantin Brancusi

Constantin Brancusi 



For me is one of the best innovators in the Romanian history of sculpture and a sophisticated modern artist. Constantin Brancusi is known in entire world for his amazing work.


He was born in 1876 at Hobitza in Oltenia, Romania. He started to work in 1883 at age of seven as an apprentice shepherd and after that learned to carve wood, a known art in Romania. His real first art was a violin and he succed so well that get the attention of a rich man who send him to the local school.

Constantin Brancusi began to travel at age 20 for the first time. He went to Vienna and to earn money he started to work woodworker. He always wanted to be a sculptor and in 1898 he entered the contest for admission to the School of Fine Arts. After a while he started to travel again to Munich and from there to Paris where he decided to set out. 

Following his dream

To follow his dream, Brancusi worked as a dishwasher and sang in the choir at a Romanian Chapel.

In 1906,with a spirit that was still quite Classical but showing great energy, his first works were influenced by the sinewy work of Rodin. In order to get away from that influence, Brancusi refused to enter Rodin’s workshop, for, he said:

One can do nothing beneath great trees. 

In 1907, Brancusi sculpted a statue of a young girl kneeling, entitled The Prayer, which represented the first stage of his evolution. 



I chose Constantin Brancusi as the greatest Romanian sculptor, not because I'm from Romania, I chose him because he worked so hard to succeed and follow his dream. The poing is that no matter what you are working you have to remember to follow your dream. He didn't give up on his dreams and succeeded in that period of time .I can say that now with all this tehnology, erveryone is capable to follow his dreams and accomplish them.

He is and will be a life model , a trully worker and the greatest Romanian sculptor. 

For me ,the photo below is the best art he ever done because, a lot of people see it and remember him.


Created through the repetition of superimposed symmetrical elements, this column, inspired by the pillars of Romanian peasant houses, embodied the need for spiritual elevation that Brancusi often expressed in his works. 

Endless Column also treats another theme of Brancusi's work, the idea of infinity, here suggested by the repetition of identical rhomboid shapes. By making Endless Column he show all the endless willing to follow his dream no matter what. 

Other works of Brancusi you might know.

Miss Pogany

One of the most famous works of Brancusi.


The work was made in bronze after a specimen drawn from the Stork collection, it is a Romanian national symbol for modern art. 

He died in his studio on 16 March, 1957. We will always remember him!

Most expensive sculptures of Constantin Brancusi


"Bird in space", 1922 - $27.5 million - Christie's NY, May 2005 

Brancusi is arguably the most important sculptor of the 20th century and his 'Birds in space' rank among his most iconic works. This stylized piece surpassed the previous auction record for a sculpture -also held by Brancusi- in almost $10 million. 


"Danaide", 1913 - $18.1 million - Christie's NY, May 2002 

This elegant bronze head was the most expensive sculpture ever sold for three years, until it was surpassed by another Brancusi, the "Bird in space" 

Sources of inspiration here, here and here

He was the greatest Romanian sculptor in the history of art. 

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