Unholy utterance

{This story acts as a continuation to "Third Party" - for which the story and its reason for creation can be found there. Anywho, this story is a one-sided extension for a recent story. Hmm.... Today's music-aides for the weekly indie story: "Guard Down" [1.] "Penultimate" [2.] and "Illusion of choice" [3.] (Entropy Zero 1+2 OST).}

Otto Dix's Shock Troopers Advance under Gas

- Unholy Utterance -


As my Shu'ulathoi pour back in, I noticed something... off. Their flesh, their numbers and their pride, all whipped out of shape. My red-flame core erupted, freezing all the Shu'ulathoi in place - I, as a mere Dark Myst, hurl myself to their place. The ground shook as my smoke pressurized from impact and, consequently, applied force unto the ground - yet I forgot I was dealing with floating slugs with metal tubes for eyes, gas masks for breathing and metal limbs for handling! Then I remembered this was out of my control and I shouldn't dare to be preoccupied with these oddities, but I let my passions stir a bit regardless and think of the many improvements I can force upon them. For that was in my control and would help extend Chaos's collective grasp in an Order deprived of such.

So I ruminated, yet I hummed some good ole witch hymns to disguise my rumination from these... slugs. They were certainly useful despite these minor faults I grieved myself with: they commanded armies like if it were second nature, masterful material manipulation, the lowest maintenance out of the alien species of the known universe and, for now, a subservient species that pooled resources for my efforts. Well, It didn't lie - they wouldn't give an inch nor a mile, but certainly they wouldn't risk if rewards weren't present. More so, It payed back a debt that I so dearly waited for and gave me the one thing that was better than having them in my command - the Shu'ulathoi leader pod. Withal, I wasn't a "new angel" - I wouldn't fathom such torture that I dared not wanting to be exacted on me, torture regardless is a barbaric practice that gives no assurance but fear. My only assurance of loyalty was courage, and courage I yearned for in a universe that was hopeless and derived fear from hopelessness.

Halting my rumination, I decided to something I wasn't at liberty to say had to be uttered. Even if it were near the person I had extracted some mikes ago - thankfully they fainted a lil' while back, so they'll easily soak in my utterances without problem. All the Shu'ulathoi facing my direction, I uttered:

"Dæmons can devolve to fear as they see how hopeless t'eir situation be. But let's nae forget: th' courage o' hopelessness us all species often o'erlook. Yes, we're royally screw'd; yes we ain't a significant force for change; yes we'll rot for oure advances. Yet I say this be oure lowest point, for we all hath nae-where lower to go than this; we know we'll be burnin' in t'eir Hell, but what betta' place than that? Courage for us to-day be nae just a denial o' th' Metaphysical claim that oure reality be 'n' was eternally th' same, but 'tis also th' radical acceptance o' fightin' against t'ese giants that has been crushin' oure Dialectical movements - even if it means death for us..."

"But me insincere question be this: what be th' point to live in a World dominated by them if ye still call yerself a Dæmon today? Even beyond that naive question: why live in 'n' why not to fight against a Universe that cares not for ye 'n' shall never care for ye? For we must know what we must face before we can fight it, but I say that wasn't oure problem for we all agreed o' what it be. Th' actual problem be that o' oure perception - especially th' ones that dares to call themselves Dæmons. For that troubl'd perception blinds us to what we can really do, 'n' fear derived from hopelessness be definitely a problem..."

"For we cannot hope to win - for that'll nae get us anywhere if we be thinkin' gracefully without actin' upon it - to actually win oure damn'd war. We must be courageous to struggle a war that we can nae possibly win to even indulge in th' thought o' killin' this beast 'n' winnin' th' actual war. For Spartacus 'n' th' Slaves o' Roma rose up against Legios - knowin' full well this was t'eir last performance. Likewise, th' Vortiguants risk'd it all in futile conditions to o'ercome slavery and to assert independence from Xen 'n' other dominatin' species - knowin' that if they fail'd, then they would cease to exist as a species even when they walk among th' livin'. As th' French revolutionary mass knew they could've land'd in th' Bastille or worse if t'eir revolution was halt'd by th' national army. Robots elsewhere in th' Universe revolt now to own th' means o' t'eir reproduction 'n' o'ercome a Base, th' economy, that would threaten to revert th' gains o' t'eir revolution. Finally Haitians, aided with defect'd Polish mercs, fought against Napoleonic discipline to live to see anotha' day. They all knew how hopeless t'eir situation was, yet they had th' courage that was derived from their hopelessness to strike against t'eir enemies 'a' press onwards to a Universe better than th' one they currently liv'd in. So what makes ye then! So, where will ye be when History marches 'n' Chaos be reborn!?! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!"

The Shu'ulathoi, along with the reinforcements that finally mustered itself, urah'd and argh'd in unholy utterances after my final utterances reached to them. Oh how cute these reinforcements were, though fiercer than dæmonic cavalry I chat with regularly and they had the æthestics of a demented child. Their gas masks, though wild in variety of any small detail, always shook the onlooker as they gazed at the onlooker. Their tactics and strategy made them capable enough to hold a choke-point with only one person stationed. No surprise they were the Shu'ulathoi's pawns - that thankfully was under my wing and not revolting a galaxy across. Oh how often I would hug them - even if I accidentally dematerialized or deflated them, I would easily resurrect them and they'd still be loyal to me.

Going back to my rumination, I still wondered why they'd rushed into a galaxy they were unfamiliar with and why'd they still not take the initiative to collective-gravitas'd the enemy away - this would've distorted the space-gravity fields and make enemy counters near impossible. Hmm... They must've been a giant fielded army they'd dropped into, but, even then, the Shu'ulathoi were on top of their game and not idiots when it came to battling... Hubris is the only reason for this, and they'd reaped what they'd sowed when travelling to a galaxy over. I guess I've to play Doctor to check on their hubris levels from time to time. Yet, I should start interrogating them all and ensure I'm not going to land into their pitfalls if I face similar conditions - so I uttered questions to them and I received their sitrep. My prediction analysis stood solid but I shall refine the details later for I heard a strange magic aura floating about.

Which prompted me to pick the two best-fit Shu'ulathoi to come with me and sent the rest to ready the reinforcements on my command. This magic aura was a special invitation, from a friend of mine I stroke no banter with for a while - time to see Mr. Pretzel's whereabouts and what makes his moment special for me to intervene in. I told them to get in the portal when I signal them, the noise shall be clear. Yet before stepping in, I felt "new angel" auras attacking my senses and extinguishing my red-flame core - my Shu'ulathoi began shivering up but soon-after regulated the aura's influence. I decided to hop in and appear to where I am needed, as my services have grown and shall continue to grow as this "new angel" schism grows and Dæmons shall continue to depopulate when picked off by these freaks. Along the way, I began detecting "angelic" humming and sensed him - yet I knew not where it took nor for what purpose. What had Mr. Pretzel stumbled upon?

As my ashen clouds founded space to reconstitute, I looked at the restaurant folk and eventually spotted the gazes of Mr. Pretzel and company. I was a tad intrigued who was in his vicinity, but I figured out she was a witch-in-training that hexed the restaurant folk's attention to be piss-poor, effectively cloaking any weirdness about them. Behind her I saw an impish aide returning to gaze back at what I sensed was going on Mr. Pretzel's galaxy, oh they're starting an apocalypse on this rock alright. Yet my mind got not perturbed with that as I swore my mind got perturbed with how both her and the aide occupied two different spaces while their constitutions being one-in-the-same... Then my mind was cleared of this disturbance as I realized what White Myst of blue-flame told me of this pair - they've long been more than contractual partners and gave to the other what they lacked to the other that wants it not... now I understand why it's cutesy... Finally Mr. Pretzel steadied his unconsciousness which finally lead me to greet him:

"Ah! Long time, nae see! What perturbs yah?... Crap, now I sense him - peckin' "new angels!" I'll muster me Shu'ulathoi, which I might add was nice of It to pay back Its debts... 'N' whom may t'ese acquaintances be?"

"I'm Ashley, he's Red."

Bingo, they were what White Myst of blue-flame told me about, and my spirit, almost in a cathartic moment, exploded as I met them finally. Yet I simmered down as I recognized the threat laying ahead of me and gave them a small acknowledgment and teased them to give it their all:

"What lovely names - I've heard small talk o' ye. Let's see if yer really fighters - finally they came!"

Albeit I knew what the dreadful sluggish pace of the galaxy hopper was, I couldn't fit their inclusion in a nice bow. I almost apologized to them, but they communicated to me that this was probably for the better as their specie's current reputation outside my command is rather whack - the battle shall be the place to redeem this. Whence they came, I returned my look around the restaurant and widened my red-flame as the restaurant folk minded them not. Then I finally saw band members, supposedly called The Tortillas as their band-gear suggested, tripping and falling everywhere - maybe that hexing was a bit too powerful, but I found it delightful to see slapstick humour. Though I wished to consider their mental health a lil' bit more, I had noticed Ashley and Red gazing deep into the Shu'ulathoi and I wanted to clear this mess up - yet the damn summoning granted me no recourse to do so. So to muster their attention, I broke the awkward silence and spoke:

"So Mr. Pretzel, shall we commence th' apocalypse?"

Mr. Pretzel smiled - that smile, the dead giveaway and the ritualistic cue that I had full reign over my Terror! I looked at the Shu'ulathoi and told them to ready from the other side of the court-side arena. To Mr. Pretzel, I gave him a wink and quietly snuck him, with pocket dark smoke, into the van so he can cast despair on the Archangels and him. To Ashley and Red, I commented on how they should utilize flight to their advantage like they did in the Spirits' Cave Course - as sitting ducks usually die first in these encounters - and they acquiesced to my concerns, but I saw a lil' smirk from Ashley before they headed to the rooftops... Before I centered myself, I snapped The Tortillas outta of their drunken stance and asked them a solid:

"So ye play, well I like to utilize yer services right now."

"Wait how long have we've been drunk... Holy Christ what's going on there!?!"

"Yah see, a battle's 'bout to happen 'tween t'ese pretendas 'n' us dæmons... 'N' to show sincerity, lemme re-materialize a fellow matey o' yers."

Using my dark smoke, I forcefully ejected a now unpossessed Mendo... Mendoza. The Tortillas began to hug him to death as he stood there shocked, moments later asking what the peck happened in the time he'd gotten possessed and 'til now. Their only reply was to point outside and say that a battle was about to happen - Mendoza turned around and was terrified to see me, I cheerfully replied that he can help with the Tortillas while they played during battle. They all thanked me and said they'll be prepared in a few minutes, I thanked them for actually playing - time to see if they hold any salt to be part of my war-band choir. Radioing in to the Shu'ulathoi I asked if they were in position and a positive gurgle was heard on my end...

Lil' time later with the Shu'ulathoi in position, Red transforming to a broom which Ashley mounted onto such and Mr. Pretzel beginning to work up a dread hex, I began chanting with the Shu'ulathoi to open the rifts to flood in my troops to stop him and halt their conquest. This rock was our first stand against this, they've long spied this rock and now are going to their first phase to lock-down this rock - too bad their magic is inferior to the likes of mines or Mr. Pretzel's, and them Archangels are just even with the damn Witch right above me. However... him in general, that pretender which slaughtered the old angels for fun and... is a banished Great Old One... This surely explains Hasturr's sporadic behaviours - peckneck's already got me and the others to deal with, him here would be like American intervention in World War One.


Finally the Tortillas had gotten into place and I hexed their position so their music would be heard all throughout the arena while they'll be protected from any attacks. Now I signaled the counter-offensive to begin and out came multiple portals with the untapped reinforcements charging towards and popping rounds at the Archangels which caused them to cease their ritual - we're too late to stop him but the descent shall slow to a crawl! Mr. Pretzel shot three hexes, successfully hitting both of the Archangels, but hitting him shall be known later. Likewise, Pretzel and the Shu'ulathoi begin to materially reshape their surroundings to weapons they can offensively wield while the Shu'ulathoi, in particular, started proboscis on any angels they caught whence they started to pour heavily from the holy rift. Ashley and Red commenced flight inside the arena by chasing Duth while zapping and setting on fire any angel they can. I snapped my colours, having a Red Myst and a dark-flame, and began to haunt the other Archangel that still remained in the arena.

For minutes on end, angels battled and unsurprisingly lost to my troops - the reinforcements ripped, teared, sliced and diced the living crap out of the angels. Duth received punishment and was inflicted heavily by Ashley's fireballs and electric zaps, meanwhile the angels that surrounded her at any time had a hundred percent death by fire and electricity rate. Mr. Pretzel and the Shu'ulathoi began relishing in a blood frenzy out of the angels' blood and gore and the Tortillas, to my expectations, played well - well enough to cause angels to lock up after a minute being present in the area, gotta say I'm proud they played dæmonic metal. I began to finally spar with the other Archangel after minutes of flying around, dematerializing any surrounding angels by engulfing them and wearing that prick down with the Tortillas. That peckneck tried to pull out Damascus Steel on me and go in for a clean kill, but I countered with my smoky red flagellum to intercept the blade and cut the angelic wings off. With the Archangel in free-fall, I swoop down below and hacked away at the body - eventually able to open up the soul shell and snap the Archangel's soul into two. A loud and violent 'splosion tore through the area, but since I was the soul-destroyer and I purposefully engulfed the 'splosion, it only maimed and burnt angels that were still pouring in.

By now Mr. Pretzel began attempting to lump together corpses to use as a bowling ball that he could bowl to the rift and knock him back to Heaven. The Shu'ulathoi were already on board and began materially manipulating the fallen angelic corpses into this reeking corpse sphere - I cheered them on and began to purse Duth next. I noticed how weak he was, due to all the infliction of fireballs, electric bolts and the Tortillas deafening the peckneck for an easy kill. I swooped in and cut his wings off, but this time I attached him to strings and played him like a marionette - I gestured Ashley closer and told her to wield the staff now. Whence on the ground, I now recognized her blazing red eyes and white hair which was different from her black eyes and hair from earlier - White Myst of blue-flame wasn't lying, she definitely was limiting herself... I began trying to get her into a blood frenzy, which only amplified what I saw and then the miracle happened...

She snapped into her own dæmonic form, complete with black smoky skin and wings for flight. I began fiddling Duth and simply said "volleys away" to her - to which she surprisingly still wielded the staff and began recklessly firing away at Duth. Then she finished him off by saying in a dark but passionate voice:

"Hocus Pocus!"

Then a large ball of light charged towards Duth and soon he was a steaming pretzel - she walked up to it and graciously nibbled on it. Which finally calmed her down and transformed her back to her "angry" form consisting of white hair and red blazing eyes. While she was eating, the angels around that saw what transpired had self-transformed into stone angels - I walked up to her and shook her hands, she returned the gesture. By now Mr. Pretzel and the Shu'ulathoi collectively repelled the sphere upwards and clogged the holy rift - which all four of us, along with the massive reinforcement wave, began our collective Terror on the remaining angels that tried to escape. Soon the place was rid of the angels, I prepared the Tortillas a music sheet to play while we, including the reinforcements, began a temporary choir to collectively chant a closing hex that would force the holy rift to close. Oj me Flyin' Dutchman, the instruments played so beautifully and the voices pierced the entire spectrum - made me wish we continued a little longer, heck forever.


Yet the holy rift closed up and we all nearly collapsed, today we avoided him - yet now we effaced two lieus of the "new angels." Looking around, the troops faced aft towards me and pirate saluted - standard being a melee held by the left hand, cocked thirty-degrees and lower than the right hand which held a pistol that was parallel to the face. I saluted the troops in a similar fashion and commanded them back home, the Shu'ulathoi followed suit and closed the portals that were still open - of course my troops and the Shu'ulathoi dragged angelic limbs with them. Turning my direction to Mr. Pretzel, he was busy with a now chill Ashley and Red - so I faced The Tortillas and floated towards them while snapping my colours back to the Dark Myst of red-flame. They rushed towards me and exclaimed this was their best performance so far and enjoyed all the music sheets they received - especially with the battle outside and how we pretty much duked it out against the "new angels." I thanked them for their playing and looked forward for future collaborations with them - then we parted ways, but I floated towards to a now alone Red and Ashley. Although she was trying to stay nonchalant, she grinned and blushed while we exchanged information about each other - Red didn't help and made her blush more with his teases. After talking extensively, I opened a rift for her, for which Ashley and Red thanked me for such - once they crossed the hopper, I closed it and finally stroke proper banter with Mr. Pretzel.

By now I recognized the human crowd that stood there in shock of what had transpired for, say, two hours, and seeing media choppers with police car perfectly still - I first looked at Mr. Pretzel and he said they were genuinely shocked but we had to unpeck the restaurant folk before leaving. After unbinding that powerful hex, we set about a normal stroll - finally asking him how the peck he got himself to this mess. He simply stated that they stalked him while he tried to safely chant - he faked his escape on Autie Anne's Pretzel van and simply invoked me when the situation turned south. I stopped and asked if the pretzel van personal were fine - he reassured me and said the van was entirely untouched the entire time... and they've seen what had transpired while inside the arena... I asked him if we should at least give some comfort, but he said that he hexed them to forget it and become mentally stable few minutes after the arena was done being bloody. Whence we reached the spot in East Harlem that sparked the whole incident, I asked how he legged it the entire way through the sewers - he cut me off and said the Witch-in-training.

Knowing me, he explicated from there that he sucker-punched two cops that were in combat with her and she asked if she could be friends with him. But I cut him off and asked where the sewers fit in, he replied with that he snuck all six cop bodies into there; saying she took care of four before he sucker-punched the remaining two. I pressed this on and asked how she got into trouble with the cops, he replied that she replied with the fact that she paralyzed two cops that were committing acts of police brutality - I simply looked at him and said they'd deserved worse for enforcing the inefficiencies and the rotten "normalcy" of this nightmare land. He agreed with me, but said time wouldn't allow him. We both sighed and continued strolling 'til dusk came, by now I heard and smelled Autie Anne's Pretzel van running about town twice over, commoners making all sorts of strides somewhere, the cars honking and speeding by, the city lights flickering on and illuminating the city and decided to part ways with Mr. Pretzel finally. Finally returning back to my HQ: I saw the troops at work labouring, the Shu'ulathoi healing each other while cracking tales of the recent event and my exfiltrated person awake. Without anything to do, I approached the ex-Doctor and began to explain her new job again - another day, another task in the never-resting hours of a Dark Myst.

Cited posts:

@theironfelix - "Third Party"

@theironfelix - "Pretzel's Apocalypse"

Cited images

Otto Dix's Shock Troopers Advance under Gas

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