90 Days


Today is day 89...tomorrow, 90.
90 Days--oh, how you loom over me like a black cloud.
The time ticks slowly and quickly all at once.
90 Days for a life-changing decision to be made.
90 Days to pray and cry and laugh and live.
90 Days, how I loathe and dread you; curse you and weep for you; hope and long for you.
Ripped into two opposing feelings.
Will you become 100? More?
Will you be heaven? Hell?
89 days out of 90. Will tomorrow be the day? Or will it be the next or the next?
So many struggles have come in the last 89 days. So many new fears.
What will change in the next 90?
Will it be a rainbow or a thundercloud overhead?
90 Days, you rip and tear at my soul.
So many prayers said. So many hugs and kisses given. Will they be the first or the last?
90 Days of experiences I wouldn’t trade for the world.
90 Days of love and family.
90 Days of memories to cherish.
90 Days of waiting and hoping the answer we want will come.
90 Days to teach and guide and nurture.
90 Days of fear and anxiety, laughing and playing, holding close and being still.
Agony and joy walking side-by-side down the same path.
So many things unsaid. Say them quickly; no regrets.
So many experiences not yet complete. Squeeze in as much as we can.
The strength it has taken to make it to day 89. Is there more strength beyond?
Day 90, you also mark the 516th day of being a family.
What if you bring joy and celebration? Oh, hurry and release us from this prison!
What if you bring heartache and destruction? Please never come.
Day 90 hurry up, but wait.

(Image from Pixabay.com)

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