You Are My Great Day


Today my family did not receive the news for which we have been waiting and praying. We received no news, in fact. As I was getting the little guy ready for bed tonight, I was telling him how much I loved him. My voice filled with emotion, I began to say, “You…”, and trailed off. He was wriggling into his pajamas, and he chimed in, "...are your great day?” Yes, buddy, That's exactly what you are. You are my great day.

You are my great day when the world is uncertain. You wake up with a smile on your face, climb into my bed (at 4:30 in the morning), and ask if we can sing “Honey”. You attack each day with unending amounts of energy until you literally pass out from exhaustion. When nothing seems right, you always are. You are my great day.

You are my great day when you show great compassion to sad characters in a book. You are learning so much with each passing day and sometimes even share with your baby sister. You have a giggle that is the sweetest of melodies and a hug that fills me to the core with warmth. Your eyes light up when you are carefree and you have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. You must know how things work, and you must do it yourself. You are my great day.

You are my great day when waiting feels unbearable. You know a little about what is going on, but you carry on being you any way. You love playing outside, and you come in smelling like sunscreen, bug spray, sweat, and sunshine. Exploring is your favorite hobby, with climbing close behind. You say the darndest things and can always bring a smile to my face when the weight of the world is pushing me down. You are my great day.

You are my great day when you get out of bed fifteen million times before falling asleep. You open the door because you just want to tell me you’re OK. You have been through so much in your little lifetime--more than any kid should have to--and you’re still here smiling and laughing through it all. Even when you are sad, you are my great day.

You are my great day when nothing else is. When you come home after we are apart, my heart soars. Your strong will matches my own, and someday, you will be an amazing leader. You are brimming with confidence and assertiveness and can easily express anything your heart desires. You are a work of art--priceless, beautiful, valuable, cherished. You are my great day.

(Image courtesy of

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