The Survivor: Episode 12 (Steemit Original)

The horse's ears were perked although the pup rode calmly in the satchel every so often looking up at me with those irresistable puppy eyes. The eyes gaze pierced deep into my emotions and it was almost as if I could hear the puppy whisperer: "Are we there yet." Glancing now at the map to see how much further we had to go I could see the ridge of the mountains just above the tree line. It would be another day's ride until we made it that far. With the sun at our back and setting we had only a few hours left of sun light. As the tenseness of the horses stature tightened I realized we were not alone and I was not the first to sense it.

A small boy walked out into the path, and it was at this instant I could spare no time. The boy ran to me asking for help and just ask he approached I kicked the gelding and clicked my tongue to make the horse jump into the gear. The pup let out a: "Yelp!" as the satchel tossed against my side. The yelling I could now hear and the whizzing bullets confirmed the trap the boy had been a part of. To my intelligence I had to count my survival that moment to as I just knew something was amiss with a boy being alone in the woods like that. Especially at this time of day.

Slowing now as it had been several minutes since the last horrifying sounds were heard. My heartbeat finally calming as the shot of adrenaline from the situation subsided and my clear head returned to me. As I continued to keep the horse's pace at a trot I could only hope that was the last of the "Bandits" as I now called them that we would see. It seemed the only people I ran into these days were full of hate and anger. Killing seemed to be their only goal and from the looks of it they were just killing each other.

Staying off any road or known pathway the time spent in the woods was far more interesting than the days when I was younger. There was always a path or a train that we would follow or walk on. Very rarely would we ever step off the pathways as the brush had thorns and the briars were unforgiving. Every so often the deer would start a new trail and we would follow it, usually around a blackberry bush or where wild fruit trees grew. It always seemed that there were things to do in the woods but now, the woods were a place to survive, to live, and to hide.

The sun finally made it's farewell as it dipped beyond the horizon. The setting sun casting off vibrant colors into the sky. As the clouds lit up in radiance the feelings of peace took me and I sat down to enjoy some dried meat I had and settled in for the night. As the pup curled up next to me and the horse's panting eased the calm night gently calmed us as the distance sound of the wolf's howl ensured us that it was indeed night. Sleep, it took me swiftly and as dreams swept me away I couldn't help but get carried away in a world far better then the one I just left.

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