This time last year what were you doing? I was publishing my first book!

I remember this time last year. I had set myself a deadline to get my first book published by Christmas.

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It went right down to the wire, but I got it up on Christmas Eve 2015.

And the rest, as they say is history. I went on to super-stardom and amassed a fortune.

Well, not quite yet. To date, I have sold 24 copies. So the private jet might have to wait for a bit.

But this first book was not about getting rich. It was about trying the process and seeing how it works. And from that point of view, it was a success.

And now that Christmas has come again, and I have some free time, so I’ll continue with the second instalment – Sniper meets assassin.

My goal is to get that published in 2017.

2017 is going to be a HUGE year, I can feel it. I’m super excited about Steemit and where it will go next year. And I’m buzzing with all the creative vibes coming from the other Steemians. There are so many talented people on this platform. It’s amazing.
So, Merry Christmas to you, one and all. I hope you all have a wonderful, safe and happy day.

If you want to pick up a copy of my book, you can get it here.

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