Let Go Of What You Can't Control - Focus On What You Can Control (Inspiration)

When we feel out of control, sometimes things just need to be put into perspective for us. This is true in business and our life

You can't control where you are born. You can't control the color of your skin. You can't control the laws of your land. You can't control the environment you grew up in. You can't control the prices of rent and houses around you. There are thousands of things that influence your life that you can't control. You can sometimes influence them, but you don't control them.  Let them go.

You know what you can control?

How hard you work and how giving you are.

Those are two things that are completely up to you.

Some people complain about all the things that they can't control. They whine about not having money or complain that the laws are holding them down. In some places in the world, opportunity is small and restrictive, but for most of us it is endless when we have the Internet.

Realize that we are living in a time of endless opportunity to anyone that has the Intent and is willing to learn a few new things and work hard to make some extra money. Or to get their music heard, poems read or art seen. We are living in a magnificent time where opportunity is there for those that work hard for it. One great example is Steemit.

The other thing we control is how giving we are. 

If you don't have that much money, spend time helping people. If you don't have money you probably have time. 

If you do have money, then figure out ways to use it effectively to actually help people. This planet will spin without us. This world will go on without us and the only thing we can leave behind is our legacy. The greatest legacies are built around giving. It takes a lot to change the world, but sometimes just giving someone love can change their world. If you do that enough, you will end up changing the world and make it a better place.

Be someone who works hard and works hard at giving.  Change someone's world today.

You have changed my world by reading my blogs, following and responding. I give you my deepest gratitude.

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