Writers Block - Tips to help

Writers Block

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Ever wake up thinking, I'm going to create a killer post today and then end up not being able to think of what to write, getting confused and almost crying yourself to sleep. Well it can really be annoying, here are some tips on helping this problem.

1) Ask someone

You never know what the person next to you is thinking about, why not ask them for an idea on what to write. I know, it sounds totally absurd to go to the person next to you and ask, "Do you have an idea that I could write about". But sometimes they may have an idea that you would have never thought about, and you may even get a great post out of it.  However, you must remember never to come off as rude to them because this might spark an argument, and if the time is not right, then don't do it!

2) Google

Remember, Google is your best friend. You can search what to write about and get a gazillion results, but you cannot, will not plagiarize.  Some websites do have some hilarious things to write about so you need to think clearly of what you think will be posting as some ideas are outrageous. I personally have gotten one or two ideas from google but most of them have been made myself.

3) Sleep!

You need a good nights sleep to function properly, let alone think of what to write. Sleep is a wonderful thing, it is amazing and we all need to appreciate it. Most of the time when I cannot think of what to write is because of not getting a good amount of sleep the day before, and usually the next day I start to develop better ideas. We all can relate to being groggy and annoyed after only sleeping for 5~ hours, so getting a good sleep is crucial.

4) A hot shower

A hot shower always makes my worries easier, being able to just delve into a moment of relaxation can really help. People have came up with genius thoughts and inventions whilst in the shower so why can you not do it? A good nights sleep tied with a hot shower can make you have very creative ideas and can relax your mind. 

So these are my ideas on how to deal with writers block, hopefully it helps some people.

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