Dec. 12 Word Challenge, 5 Cents Added To The Pool From Thursday :p

Hey everyone,                             

We got some upvotes last week so I am carrying over the steem award from it to the pool if there is one today. The word challenge is writing a short story at any length you choose. What the story is about and what type of story is up to you. Here is what we need to get started. In the comments write the first word that comes to your mind. I will keep this open for three hours. When the hours are up, I will take all the words and make a story that has each one in it. But before I do, there will be a post with every word and a difficulty level (based on the number of words and what the words are) and you will also be encouraged to write a story as well. If this post itself makes money, I will give out steem prizes for anyone else who writes a story. The pool will be the added total of the %50 from this post and the %50 from the challenge post. This isn't a competition, just a challenge for any one who wants to write and everyone can win.

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