Raiders of the Middle Sea Part 1- A World of Kedra Story

Raiders of the Middle Sea

a World of Kedra Story


Raiders of the Middle Sea happens to the west side of the World of Kedra map. Far away from the Kingdom of Railor in unexplored lands that are strange and unfamiliar to the heroes of the story.

The story starts with Kayden, a sailor that worked on a cargo-ship that came under attack from pirates. Because of the young man's obvious skill with a sword he was targeted by the crew. Not to kill, but to capture.

The Slaver Lords of Ortiga pay a handsome fee for slaves, especially those that can be entered into the bloodsports. It is a mark of stature for a Slaver Lord to own a champion.

The full story of how Kayden ends up where he is will be revealed in more detail and the story of the surviving crew of the King's Dart also becomes part of the story at a later stage.

It is a story of adventure and bloodshed... without further ado...

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Part 1

“Release the competitors!” The hoarse voice of the presenter cried from above the wall of the arena.

The crude iron gate of Kayden’s cage was drawn upwards and he readied his sword and shield. The shield was Railor make and he was familiar with it, a rectangle with well-rounded corners. The sword however was curved so badly that it made a sickle shape. Despite his training, he would not be able to employ any swordsmanship that he knew of with the weapon.
It was the third day since his capture aboard the King’s Dart and now he found himself here. He should have died on the deck with honour. Now instead he would die a slave.

The enclosure that he had been put into was one of many that lined the sides of the arena. He had been led through the sandy space late at night and could not have much beyond the light of the torches. On the inside of the cage, he was limited by iron bars, beyond which the guards had watched him and passed him the foul smelling gruel that was supposed to pass for food. Kayden had not touched the bowl however.

Men on the inside of the building now poked him forward with blunt sticks and he stepped into the arena. He was struck by a wall of sound and light and he raised his blade to shield his eyes while they adjusted to the glare. He did not dare raise his shield from his body. All around him in the stands people cheered at his arrival, although he could start to see that there were others in the arena as well.

The people who looking down at him were commoners as well as the elite, scattered amongst them. They were brought together in this place in the anticipation to see blood. He had no more time to think as the men closest to him were within five paces or so to either side of him.

The closest man to his right was stripped to his waist just like Kayden, his skin was several shades darker than he’d seen before in the Kingdom. He must be from the south or one of the islands. The man held a spear above his right shoulder, ready to stab or throw. He carried a much smaller shield with an elongated cap in the centre of it that could be used to great effect as a weapon.

On the other side was some kind of savage whose ears had been cut off. His face mottled in dark spotted tattoos, perhaps in the pattern of some kind of feline. The man was armed with two straight short swords.

“Today’s event is simple!” The presenter cried from his raised pulpit. A large bellied man with olive coloured skin and thick black mustachios. He wore a feathered hat and a garish plethora of coloured clothes that shone in the midday sun. “There are twelve fighters enter the arena, but only five may exit and live to see another day!”

The crowd roared its approval.

“Psst!” Kayden glanced aside at the tan brown man. The man pointed at him and gestured towards the earless man on the other side of him and then to himself and towards the other side. The intention was clear, temporary truce.

“Take your bets!” The presenter cried.

He looked at the spotted savage as it stared at him and baring its teeth. Kayden shivered as he saw that there were far more teeth in that mouth than there had a right to be, like the spawn of some kind of demon monster.

Before he could think of doing anything else there was the peal of the massive bronze metal disc behind the presenter and the arena burst into motion. The clash of metal on metal, unfamiliar inhuman screams were heard while the earless savage took three quick steps and was right before Kayden.

The man stank, together with the strange features and teeth, Kayden decided that this could definitely not be a human being after all. The fact should have chilled him to his core and shaken his faith but the creature had no fear, neither did it have much anger. It simply came for Kayden with a methodical aggression meant to kill.

The earless creature slashed out with the left sword and Kayden clashed his shield into it. The second sword shot out quicker but Kayden had expected the blow. The bent sword had a long reach and Kayden’s clumsy parry with it yielded an unexpected slip along the other’s straight blade, the tip of the sickle cutting across two fingers. The cuts had gone deep but the creature never let go of the weapon.

Instead of screaming, the creature snarled and launched into another attack. This time, Kayden stepped in quicker smashing the shield into the monster’s face. Dark blood gushed from its broad nose as it fell back into the sand. He slashed down with the sickle piercing the creature’s chest.

Glancing around quickly he saw the brown skinned man drive his spear into the belly of a bearded man that was covered in rags. Beyond him there were two more earless creatures who were snarling and snapping at each other while grappling in the dust.

A quick tug on the weapon showed Kayden that his weapon was stuck. Reaching for one of the dropped straight swords, he felt the coolness of a large shadow come over his body.

Kayden dove out over the sand and dropped his shield as the massive head of a mallet struck the ground where he had just been, snapping the sword that he had reached for. He regained his feet and stared up at the monstrous figure before him. Bearded and large bellied, but indeed just a man. The man’s brow was low and brutal. As he grinned, showing his few remaining blunted teeth. The gesture didn’t manage to make him much less ugly. A scar crossed over the bridge of his nose that had made a real good mess of it.

To Be Continued

Raiders of the Middle Sea Part 2

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