Raiders of the Middle Sea Part 4- A World of Kedra Story

Raiders of the Middle Sea

a World of Kedra Story

Last time on Raiders…

Raiders of the Middle Sea Part 3

Kayden and his companions from the arena were stripped of their weapons. The giant Rulaf seems to have a kind and soft spoken master, but it then when Kayden discovered a sickening truth…

Another figure entered the room. Robed like the rest of the Slave Masters, except that his colours were cream, blue and yellow.

“Ah! Shi’Uzdu! Good to see you! Fortuitous that your slaves did so well in the game!” Shi’Capernel said.

The thing that came as the worst shock of Kayden’s entire experience up till now came in this moment. Not the battle that had downed his ship, not the capture or enslavement and not even the bloodsport that he had just participated in had prepared him for this moment.

His owner was not human. He was, in fact Jhakarti.

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Part 4

Instead of hissing and snarling, this… being walked forward calmly. Its multiple rows of teeth hidden behind the closed lips of a wickedly curved mouth. Instead of the animal posture of the Jhakarti in the arena, it walked upright and nodded at the other slave master before coming to stand before Kayden. It had the same flat nose and had no ears that characterized this race of non-humans.

Up till now, the existence of non-human beings of intelligence had been a thing of legend and dispute in the Kingdom of Railor and though it had been a shock to find out otherwise, the ease at which others accepted this in this place set Kayden into a frame of mind where he should expect anything at this stage.

Looking into Shi’Uzdu’s eyes, Kayden saw that its pupils were like those of a cat or a lizard. “So the three of you survived.” The Jhakarti spoke in a clear but accented voice. “Who would have known my luck to run so strong?”

He didn’t understand. What does he mean the three of us? How is it luck?

The Jhakarti slave master moved his head to one side and moved over to one side.
Yarishhh!” The slave master spat and hissed in a savage tone completely at contrast to the demeanour that it had but recently exhibited. Shi’Uzdu came to stand before the Jhakarti that had come in from the arena with them.

The three of us…

The slaver bared his teeth at the slave, his face set in a snarl and a frown. “Joka du partu beggna!” Within a second Kayden realised something for the first time, this slave master was the only one of the masters that had entered the chamber without his own personal bodyguard. Within the next second he saw the slave Jhakarti’s face turn to a snarl and it lunged for the slave master far quicker than any of the guards would have been able to prevent.

The slave master dipped for a brief moment and moved in a circle, the assaulting Jhakarti was vaulted through the air and it landed on its back, driving the breath from its lungs. The slave master had gripped hold of one arm and twisted the wrist into an improper angle with a single hand while stepping on the fallen creature’s shoulder with one foot.

The slave master had a double edged dagger in his free hand that have seemed to come from nowhere. “Saysika, yarishh? Partu sie Joka!

Partu!” The downed creature cried out in a muffled cry, sucking desperately for breath. “Partu Joka!

The slave master smiled wickedly and released the slave’s hand, stepping away from him. He looked at Kayden and Shadi and spoke in cultured and calm tones. “Now that that is settled. I take it you will learn from this... Yarishh’s mistakes?”

Kayden and Shadi nodded.

There was a polite cough from one side of the room and Kayden, Shadi and the Jhakarti slave master all looked in that direction. Shi’Caperrnel smiled, leaning one hand on Rulaf’s shoulder.

“Most impressive Shi’Uzdu. If you were to step into the arena, I’d be first to put money on your success!” The little man clapped his hands.

“Is there something that you want Shi’Caperrnel?” The Jhakarti asked flatly.

“It would be most pleasing for me if your two human slaves were to spend the night at my Estate." The little man ignored the offensive that the other posed. "They can be returned to you in the morning of course, early enough for anything you might need of them.”

The Jhakarti slaver grunted. “Why do you wish to hire my slaves?”

The other slaver giggled. “Oh I wouldn’t say that I am hiring them for anything. They would be joining in an evening’s company with my champion. I’ll be housing and feeding them. That much costs me already. No need to pay to provide a service is there?”

The Jhakarti grunted again. “Fine. But on one condition.”


“You take this one as well,” The slave master indicated at the Jhakarti that was still laying on the floor. “You might as well provide for him as well. Maybe the Yarishh will learn something and become useful to me.”

Shi’Caperrnel shrugged. “If that’s how it is, I guess it cannot be helped.”

Kayden sighed. Capture, slavery, bloodsport. Now he has to drink with a merry giant idiot and a savage creature with lizard eyes. Lord of Light save me.

To Be Continued

Raiders of the Middle Sea Part 5

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Saved by a kind gesture and a careful haggle on the part of Rulaf’s owner, Kayden is saved from whatever cruel intentions the inhuman Slave Lord had for him. Along with Shadi and the savage Jhakarti survivor they get taken to Shi’Caperrnel’s Estate.

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