"into the quantum world" - original novel featuring steemit people - INTRO

About a month ago I got and idea for this but it took me some time to think it through and decide whether I really want to do this or not. After some serious thinking, I decided to give it a go and hope for the best.

“Everyone has talent. What's rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads.”
Erica Jong

This is a novel that is inspired by imagination and creativity in general and it is dedicated to all the writers that ever lived or are still living. The characters are based or inspired by steemit users but all that will be mentioned will be respectfully asked before I mention them in any way. If you are interested in becoming a character you will have to be a member of the Alliance family and you will have to keep in mind that anything goes.

I could make you fall in love with some other character, make your character an animal, give you super powers or even make you a villain. You have to ask yourself, how crazy my mind actually is and are you ready for it. If you are, you are more than welcome to contact me and give me your approval to put you in the story before I contact you first. I do not take wishes however, so you do not decide what I will write and how I will shape and form your character.

WHAT is it about?

The novel takes place where inspiration is born, everything that a human mind has ever thought of and imagined is there. The only question is, are those things there because we created the place with our minds or did we create them because the place had an impact on us. Did we have the idea and create it in the physical form or did the physical thing expressed itself in a form of an idea in our minds?

The second thing that we also have to keep in mind is that even though fairies, Gods, myths, and fantasy creatures are there so are our nightmares. Picture a world that has every book ever written, every movie and a story. It has every fairy but also every monster, from human characters to animal ones, from wise and inspirational to bad and scary.

Without writing any spoilers, you can expect anything and everything. Imagine a story about all the stories ever written and those that are yet to be written. This is a post-modern piece that will play with your mind a little and show you that all topics can be put together, from romance to horror and from fiction to nonfiction.

What is the deal with the TITLE?

I took a semi-scientific approach in creating the dimension in which the story plays out. If you know anything about quantum physics you have a general idea that it will be interesting to read how life would be like if we were able to function more like electrons.

Are you READY for my mind?

I know that you probably do not know what the hell am I talking about and that is fine. It will also be fine if you get lost along the way, you will find yourself again soon. Just keep in mind that even though this story is safe for work it is not for those under 18 because there will be some stuff that is not in any way appropriate for minors.


So far, I have asked 3 people for their approval to put them in the story and allow me to say that the characters are based and/or inspired by them. Be sure to visit their accounts and give those people some love, they deserve it, and here they are
Steemit nameCharacter nameType
@enginewittyThe Fatherdeity

Ok, want to read it already?

The story will be published once or sometimes more than once a week, depending on my time and your interest of course. The first part will be published tomorrow, and some of you will be getting my messages in which I will be asking you if you are ok or not ok with being a part of this. So... See you guys tomorrow. I am super excited about it. Are you?

thealliance_pagebreak (1).png

The main cover for the novel was created by me using an image that is under CC0 License and free for personal and commercial use. You can find it at pixabay.com. To see the person who made it and made me extremly happy when I found it, click here: elvina357

made by @simgirl

3 columns
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1 column