Meet Me in the Space Between Breaths (writingimpact)

I just came back from walking the dog among the trees. The walks are supposedly for her, and I probably wouldn’t go if not to delight her each day. Yet somehow I find that the hidden language of the forest seems to whisper the greatest blessings to me.

Source: Pixabay

Have you ever stood with your back against a tree? Have you anchored your feet on its above ground roots, placed the back of your heart chakra up against its trunk, and let even the back of your head rest against its bark, so that it could ground you and silence the swarm of your busy mind?

Source: Pixabay

Have you ever noticed how busy your mind is? I mostly notice it only when it stops. When the trees start whispering their special kind of wisdom and I know I have to lean in and listen with my full attention, with my full body, that’s when I notice the contrast.

It amuses me, all the years I spent ignoring the trees, as if they weren’t someone, and someone very powerful, loving and wise at that. Yet I knew it years ago. Many years ago I had an experience of being able to communicate with trees for several weeks, as well as other siddhis (spiritual powers). But we get lost in the normal way that life flows, don’t we? We go along to get along, and pretend not to know what we know if enough other people are also pretending not to know it.

Let me put out this challenge to you: Find some time within the next day or two to walk among trees. Walk on the dirts paths if you can find any where you are, and feel your connection with the Earth in your feet.

Greet the wind with joy, as it fills your lungs with the blessing of life.

Pause a moment here and there to greet also the stillness. The forest breathes, as do the bluebirds, and even the wind itself. And within all that breathes, is the stillness between breaths.

Have you ever noticed the stillness between the sounds of a forest? Drink in that stillness as if you’d been thirsting for it your entire life. Haven’t you?

Let the forest guide you to the places within yourself that you seldom go, and there find the serenity that is the “always open” meeting place among all that breathes.

Resteems always appreciated

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