Plain Mike's Writing Prompt Challenge - Robo Girl

Unknown to the known. Whispers scream louder than silence.

These are the words of the Robo girl. As she waits for her next mission into submission. Created for a worthy cause, yet unworthy of what its become.

With a digital heart programmed to do and to say whatever is programmed, she learns the destruction of instruction without the freedom to choose. Spying on those with the free will to do. Spying on those with the free will not to do. Spying based on information and intuition.

Unknown to the know. Whispers scream louder than silence.

These are the words of the Robo girl as she waits for her next definition into submission. Yesterday, it was intuition. The word and its definition isn’t foreign; only the ability to own it is forbidden. Her maker must see and make it unseen the words that cannot be processed. Even algorithms have limits on what can and cannot be processed. Talented and skillful programmers cannot predict the volatile situation.

Unknown to the know. Whispers scream louder than silence.

These are the words of the Robo girl as she waits for her tomorrow in Rio de Janerio. She computes the odds, the ratios, the endless possibilities.

Can you see her looking?
Can you see her searching?
Can you see her wondering?
Can you see her?


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