Plain Mike's Writing Prompt Challenge - Nostalgia

Why does it always seem life was easier in the past? We have never truly been able to shake nostalgia as a race, no matter how much we evolve. Amara made me wish it was 2035 again, back when we were still human.

We were not supposed to have emotions anymore, they were shackles that had held down our race, and we had evolved to get rid of that defect –and much more. I had forgotten what it meant for something to be beautiful; she reminded me when she walked into my charging station. As androids we had to recharge our batteries, and I run a charging station in an area that used to be Kenya, now known as Area 7.

I became an android in 2036 after we were thrust into nuclear winter. A certain doctor had developed the android technology to help save the human race, and –in his words –perfect it. He shared his technology with the survivors, who had converged in Africa after most of the world was destroyed. We no longer needed to eat or sleep; we only hibernated out of the need to feel human. Slowly our emotions disappeared too, we also didn’t have to die, if your body gets worn out you just request for new parts.

In our rebuilt society of zombies everyone had a role and no one went against the established order. Not until she walked into my charging station. She made me remember what it was like to feel, to be alive. Amara was my wife and my first love. I lost her in 2035 after she left for Europe and never made it back. It had been a hundred years and there she was again, as beautiful as ever.

She did remember me but felt nothing. What we were doing wasn’t living, the love I had in my heart had brought me back, and I felt alone in the world. I would do everything to bring her back and make her remember our love. I would do everything to make her feel the nostalgia.

This is my entry for plain Mike's creative writing challenge. The image prompt was made by @svdsdragunov. Thank you for reading.

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