Plain Mike's Writing Prompt Challenge - Bionica

Quietly she sat in the room filled with lockers. Her life line barely charged. Once a strong and beautiful woman she was a captive of her merciless handlers. They kept her strength minimized because they knew her capabilities.

Bionica could still function mentally, her intellect was not affected by low voltage power. Even as they plotted in the next room she could hear their conversation. Her Creator had made sure she had certain advantages no one could detect. He had loved Bionica like his own daughter.


Her captures did not fully understand her capabilities. The Creator had hidden the nano chip so deeply within her system it could not be located even if she were totally disassembled. Her system would recharge sending a signal that could only be traced back to her Creator, a slight vibration under his skin. At that time he would release her Sister Metal Mouth onto the kidnappers.

Metal Mouth was an earlier generation of robots. Designed purely as a tool of destruction her programming commands were as simple as escape or destroy. She was either turned on or off. There was no in between.

Bionica's wave length detector recognized 8 different people in the next room. Their agenda was to disassemble then rebuild her into a killing machine like her sister. If they were successful with this experiment Satourus would be the most powerful country in the universe. Not only would they uncover the secrets of extending life, but they could learn the codes of the underworld. Those codes were known only by a handful of people that exemplified good will.

Having her Creator detect her location in time was the only way this situation could be reversed or in desperation he could unleash Metal Mouth upon her captors. As the sounds grew more muffled Bionica knew her time was nearly up. The decision had been made to reconfigure her machinations.

Five minutes later the heavy door opened slowly. Unplugging her from the power pac on the wall she fell into a heap on the floor. Conscious yet unable to control her body, she knew the only way they could move her was with a forklift. As they hoisted her onto the prongs she dared not blink. A certain sign that she had higher intelligence.

Once dropped onto the assembly table she was strapped down by clasps wrapping around her arms, legs and mid section. Bionica could hear them speaking, understanding every word. She could also hear the faint sound of thunder in the background. She knew the lightening would soon follow.

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