Plain Mike's Writing Prompt Challenge - A Femmebot Scorned

Here is my entry for Plain Mike's Creative Writing Challenge hosted by @mikepm74

The art is so evocative that I decided to jump in.

Here is the original post:
Plain Mike's Creative Writing Challenge - 20SBD Pot - Picture Prompt #1 if you would like to join.

I had fun with this. Thanks for the incentive to write something outside of my comfort zone.

The Forgotten One

Photo source: @svsdragunov


A Femmebot Scorned

Creator? Why did you assemble me just to leave me in this cellar?
I'm a tangle of wires and broken promises.

The perfect woman, you once declared, regarding me. Your fingers caressed my molded cheek. You studied the violet orbs in my face. So, where have you been?

You could pull my plug.
That would be more humane than leaving me alone down here in the dark. My box is sitting in the corner. I'd rather go back into the box.

You shelved me when she walked in. I knew when she laughed, and her eyes lit up like light bulbs in the ceiling, that I was no longer your perfect woman. She didn't even have one plug or wire on her. Where does her light originate from?

Is that what you wanted all along? Didn't you create me?

I hear footsteps above. You're playing strange sounds, I pick them up on my audio recorder. I've never heard them before, but the sounds begin when she arrives. Does she bring them when she comes? Now it's very quiet. What are you doing?

My circuits suggested the possibility of escaping, but I have no program for that yet.

Today I tried to pull my power plug. What is the use of this existence? I'm a project--untested, unlicensed, and what? Such big dreams you had for me. That's what you called it....dreams.

The basement door opened just now.
Is that you coming down the stairs?
Have you changed your mind? Did your perfect woman leave you?

Wait! What are you doing, Creator?

The woman is laughing on the stairs, laughing like you did when you assembled me. She's holding a receptacle with something in it? Is that power fluid? It's darker than mine. Does that help her? Maybe I could have some of that.

No! What are you doing? There's a pulling on my back. I'm getting...

beep, beep, beep.... blip


Janelle Gregory


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