Do you know the Educative Ropavejero Project?

This is a social-community project dedicated to giving a little love to educational establishments in Venezuela through the magical Steem platform, where certain publications are made explaining with accuracy the problems of some educational institution and the form how the support will be provided, then all the rewards collected from these publications will go directly to the execution of itselves. This great project is started by @ropavejero directly from his own Steemit account.

How is this idea born?

This idea was born from the first moment that @ropavejero arrives at Steemit the last year 2017 in November, looking at how fabulous the Steem platform is and giving it a different horizon from just receiving a reward for its own benefit. This horizon is to break boundaries and take Steem directly from the virtual to the real life on the street, in this case to make true the realization of socio-community projects for the benefit of educational institutions. @ropavejero get into the platform in November 2017, but it is not until January 2018 when @ropavejero sees himself in the audacity to undertake this initiative calling it Educational Ropavejero, after two months of long reflection and knowing more about Steemit.

Who is @ropavejero?

He is a teacher, a man passionate about life, nature and convinced that life is a journey in which every day we learn something, and for that reason Education is the vehicle to develop every single person and consequently the society. Personally I know who @ropavejero is, I meet him face to face and he is an excellent person, with very good principles, of a lot of dedication and commitment to what he does. One of his phrases is, "point out to heaven that if you do not touch it, at least you will be among the stars", Tom Ropavejero.

How do I know @ropavejero?

This was a Wednesday night in the discord server of reveur, it was a day like any other day, @revuer had one activity called: "Bring your Coal and Polish a Diamond Together", where they are constantly shaping those initiatives that incubate proactive citizens in their communities. I was in the chat voice of this server watching and listening to the activity and that night @ropavejero was going to present his first project cataloged EDUCATIVE ROPAVEJERO. When I heard the exposition of the project and Ropavejero mentioned that he is living in El Socorro city – Guarico State, I did not hesitate to reach out him and offer my support because I liked his initiative and also that we live near each other, then I can join him and join forces, I am residency in Tucupido – Venezuela and just there are two hours by car between @ropavejero and I. Since that night we began to maintain great contact through dircord, messages and phone calls, but it was not until the culmination of that first project that we met in person, I had to travel to the place where the @ropavejero´s project was being developed to formally close it.

The Educational Ropavejero Project has been developed in a very professional manner, taking it from the project approach, showing progress of the project and finally showing its execution. The way in which they are working has been widely accepted within the Steemit community, where many people have given their support in the way they could. The Educational Ropaverejo Project has so far launched three projects and all three have been completed satisfactorily and transparently.

EDUCATIONAL ROPAVEJERO, that was the birth of the project which would have activities that would solve the problems that afflicted three institutions.
  • 1- A drop of love to repair the roof of the Bolivarian Special Education Institute "Norma Esquivel De Pérez", located in the Palmarito sector, way to the La Mora field, El Socorro – Guárico State, Venezuela.

  • 2- Replacement of sanitary toilets in the bathrooms for girls and boys of the "Margot Risso de Malavé" Basic School, located in the Chupadero sector, El Socorro municipality, Guárico State, Venezuela.

  • 3- Execute the project A Beautiful Face for Our High School, through the placement of paint on the exterior walls of the Liceo Bolivariano "Simón Bolívar" in the community of Chupadero, El Socorro-Guárico State, Venezuela

Yes, all three of them in the same project, the great acceptance that this initiative had, impulse to the satisfactory resolution of the problems raised by each institution.

EDUCATIVE ROPAVEJERO II, like the previous one, seeks to solve problems of educational institutions. In this opportunity it would be the following:
  • 1- Provision of tools for the school canteen and painting placement for external walls of the FC-36 State Elementary School "Guanare" located in the Guanare sector - El Socorro, Guárico State, Venezuela.

  • 2- Security for doors and classrooms of the "Carlos Irazabal Pérez" School Group, Sector Pueblo Nuevo - El Socorro, Guárico State, Venezuela.

The problems propounded for each institution were fully met. In addition to these projects, we were able to count on the collaboration of some people to help a girl named Emma who suffers from congenital strabismus and barely with her 3 years old, she has a 70% loss of vision in one eye and that affects her considerably the other eye, This is a sample of Socio-community Ropavejero, that is, it is not simply reaching the schools, but everyone within a community.

EDUCATIVE ROPAVEJERO III, this time the project only touched one institution called Juan German Roscio Educational Unit, Leonardo Infante Municipality, Valle de la Pascua - Guárico State, which would be done a painting on the façade, complying with the delivery of the painting. In this project was also included the provision of a blood pressure monitor for the care of hypertensive people, in the "Guanare" Comprehensive Diagnostic Center located in the Guanare sector, El Socorro Guarico State, and the delivery of it was also fulfilled.

This is a small summary of everything that has been done and achieved, you can visit each publication to see more detail of each project, its progress and executions.

Mission Accomplished.
Mission Accomplished II.
Clashing Against Reality!!!

I must thank greatly all those who have collaborated in some way and have contributed their bit to make these dreams come true. A special gratitude to two big communities that have given their support since the beginning of these projects, they are @votovzla and @reveur, also people like @nnnarvaez, @c0ff33a, @sircork, @luis07, @enrique89, @beanz, @enginewitty, @anomadsoul, @malos10 ... etc ... there are many people that both @ropavejero and I appreciate, because there are many who are supporting the ROPAVEJERO´s project, then mentioning them all could fill several sheets, so I greatly appreciate all those who have supported this initiative and those who do not also. Let's keep making dreams come true.

As you can realize, the three projects mentioned were in benefited intitutions from the Guarico State - Venezuela. Now in this time a big project of a very importance has been started called Ropavejero IV. This new project seeks repair the structural plate and placement of asphalt carpets at the "Luis Ángel García" Initial Education Center, located in the Maracaibo city - Zulia State. This project has been discussed since the launch of the first Educational Ropavejero with @jayoxaju who is from that region, for more details you can visit Educational Ropavejero IV.

With this project we are looking for to expand the radius of beneficiaries, it is a big commitment, due that from Guárico to Zulia there are approximately 12 hours away, in others words it is very far away, but when the dream is very big it requires of big dreamers. It is an acquired commitment and therefore we will fight to make it a reality. This time we will need more support to make it a reality, so they can collaborate in the way they think is most relevant, for example I will start by donating all the SBD collected in this publication to Educative Ropavejero IV. As I do, you can do too, you can collaborate in one way or another, let's demonstrate that in the union is strength, that we will fight to make dreams come true and we will achieve one day at a time the social change that all Venezuelans need. Without more futher information to say we see ourselves in the following advances of the Educational Ropavejero Project, keep pending of @ropavejero, a greeting and one big psychological hug for all, God bless you.

Thanks to for try to do his best translation from Spanish to English.

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