Giving 220 Arepas to more than 100 people in a hospital

Hi guys, I hope you are well, here is another report of the humanitarian aid we have been doing in Venezuela thanks to the support of the Steemit community and @youarehope!

This time we gave 220 Arepas to more than 100 people in a hospital

In this hospital there are people waiting for their relatives, some spend 2 and up to 3 days eating very badly or even 1 meal a day since the hospital does not provide any kind of food even for patients. There are also some people who live on the outskirts of the hospital in cartons.

@rapo @milca @diego-ar @malos10 @luislopezpk (in that order) They helped me cook, deliver the arepas and record the process, show them a little bit of love <3

The post has pictures but I recommend you watch the video to better appreciate the experience

Si una foto dice mas que mil palabras, ¡un video dice mas que mil fotos!

We meet at 7 in the morning to cook the arepas, since so many arepas also take a lot of time to cook, we use:

10 kg of bread flour.
2 kg of smoked cheese
2 kg of beans.
1 kg of mortadella.

220 Arepas packed and ready to go.

We went to distribute the arepas to the social center and since there were almost no people there, we went to the central hospital in my city.

There were really many people that we gave them arepas that if I put 1 photo per person the post would be too long, so I show them with collages and video:

We are trying to improve week after week, and we are working to expand our help, to reach more people from different cities, not only in Táchira.

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