@Youarehope fundraising for childrens in a venezuela orphanage

Good news from the @Youarehope staff for you guys! Everyone who supports us will be happy to hear about this.

That is because we are going to make some children in a orphanage very happy.

I had always wanted to work with children because they are totally dependent on adults and in this case, as orphaned children, they depend on donations from good-hearted people and public and private institutions.

The city of the boys is the only children's orphanage in my city. There are 18 children between the ages of 6 and 14 years living at the orphanage. Previously 50 children lived there but due to the high cost of food and maintenance, the orphanage can only afford 18 children now.

There they give them food, education and teach them values of life.

That's where they sleep, with them a teacher sleeps to take care of them during the night.

The children are in charge of cleaning and ordering the rooms, they assign them a day in pairs and they do it during the morning, then they have breakfast and they go to classes.

As you can see, the kitchen is not luxurious or full of food, they really have to live with the minimum.

The classroom where they educate children

They also have spaces where children recreate themselves healthy

In a tour of the site, the director took us to a room called the bazaar and told us the didactic that they use to teach children from an early age to strive for what they want.

In this bazaar they keep all donations of toys, clothes, shoes and school supplies.

As the classes progress, the children are evaluated with exams and the scores of those exams add up Monthly, depending on how many scores they get per month they give a certain amount of "credit or pretend money" that they can exchange for the things that are inside this bazaar.

This is a way to inspire them to study and then they are rewarded for that effort.

Our Goal

As you can see, the facilities are big for the small number of children who are staying, this because to the economic crisis that our country is going through.

The director of this institution told us that despite having few children, sometimes they do not have enough food per month.

That's why I think our first priority is to donate a good food basket and since no one can live without hygiene, we also want to donate personal hygiene items (toothpaste, soap, shampoo).

Inside the rooms we observed that of the 5 showers only 2 are working, since the others were damaged only by the stopcocks and when replacing it we could have 5 showers for the childrens.

In the kitchen room we noticed that the knives they used were broken and some rusted, the director told me that they "do what they could", for this reason it is also in our objectives to donate a couple of new knives, as this would make the task of cooking daily for the whole institution easier.

Education is another very important factor, and since there they give classes we want to donate notebooks and pencils so they can continue teaching them.

We would like to give every boy at the orphanage:

1 toothpaste.
1 soap.
1 shampoo.
1 notebook with pencils

This will cost about 1,5 STEEM per each kid, So for all the boys the total cost will be 27 STEEM

We also need 60 STEEM for the food basket and 5 STEEM for the knives.

So we need in total 92 STEEM to make this happen!!

All the money from this post Will go towards buying all of this for the Boys at the orphanage.

So every vote counts.

If you have any Steem to contribute, donations are welcome.

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