youareHOPE Song - PukuHOPE

youareHOPE Song
Nahu Padilla @nahupuku: Guitar
Valeria Bandes @valeriabandes: Voice and Percusion
Caracas, Venezuela - 2018

Our GIft to: youareHOPE and @sircork

Somos la esperanza, tu eres la esperanza...
Animate a ser un Agente de Cambio.

HOPE for: Help, Opportunity, Purpose and Empowerment

For the YouAreHOPE foundation on Steemit:

YouAreHOPE Discord:

Sir Cork words about the photos that was used in the video:

All the video photography in this video was taken by Agents of HOPE, from my YouAreHOPE Foundation on steem.
This is just some of the hundreds of photographs from our work across 8 countries now, since we founded the organization on World Food Day in October on a gut feeling, a heart felt desire to do something better with my life, and recent lessons learned from others about giving in general.

This its a very cool link to know about the YAH works/Sir Cork featured member from: @thealliance


I founded the first steem blockchain exclusive, worldwide international humanitarian aid foundation working in multiple countries at once to bring food, medicine, clothing, building repairs, hygiene supplies and more to orphans, homeless, sick, dying, impoverished or weather emergency affected folks... The fact is I am just a facilitator... There are over 400 members in the @YouAreHOPE Foundation discord and each contributes in some way. Fuel for this project is provided by the loving and generous steem community via donations, delegations (we need more of each please!), fund raising, resteems, helping publish and spread news and awareness and just plain old encouragement. The real gas that keeps us moving. Your love.

Witness #74
Founder @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Founder @SteemStarNetwork

And Thanks a lot to: InThe Now @inthenow for his first inspirational video about YAH


En "YouareHOPE Foundation" han habilitado una sala especial en YAH para Héroes Anónimos en la zona de Coalition of Causes, puedes unirte a nosotros en Dischord justo aqui

En el canal se pueden organizar donativos, encuentros de voluntarios, se puede escribir en ingles y en español

in "YouareHOPE Foundation" they create a special room in YAH DIschord for us: Unknown Heroes Foundation in the Coalition of Causes, here you can join us for chat here:

In this room we can organize donations, volunteer meetings, and you can write in English and Spanish, I'll wait for you people there.




steemit heroes.jpg

Valeria Bandes and Nahu Padilla steemit music links:








Valeria and myself have another posts about our music if you wanna check it out there its the links:




And this one with: @michellef


Some of my music post in steemit:

My Shamanic Guitar:








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Special Guest: @valeriabandes

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