Giving clothes and shoes in a community in my city

With a "House to House" contact to atend some of the needs, we made a tour of various sectors of the neighborhood El Río in San Cristóbal, and we stopped at one of the houses where we saw that they really needed help.

Well, this lady is 52 years old and she is a single mother of two girls of school age with ages of 9 and 10, she works helping a man to sell insurance and barely reaches a minimum monthly salary, the equivalent of 3 dollars per month. , she told me that she only made one meal per day and that she was more than 5 years old that she did not buy a panties for her and her daughters, that is why i chose her in this community to give her and her daughters a clothes.

inside the things we carry we had a lady bag and her face changed of the happiness because she said it could be usefull to her for her job

Another lady from the community who works as a cook in guard post near to her house and they pay her what they collect to give her, we also gave her blouses.

Another neighbor of that community is 27 years old and have a 1-year-old boy who barely is learning to walk. His husband left two months ago for Peru to look for work, because the situation of the country and his income was not enough to feed his son and his wife, and she has not yet received any help from her husband who had barely gotten a job in Peru until two weeks ago.

It gives joy in the soul to see how a 1-year-old child embraces the clothes that we gave him

We also find this 32-year-old man walking through the community, he's unemployed and he works in the street picking up trash to sell and eat, we gave him a pair of shoes.

Another senior man of 66 years told us that he works as a security guard in a barn at night and charges a minimum salary as well, that he barely has enough money to eat and that, like all Venezuelans, he was not buying for more than 3 years a pair of shoes .

In this moments we have a goal and is to buy, collect, or receive donations 50 pairs of shoes to make another journey of help on the streets.

Each one must give according to what he has decided in his heart, not unwillingly or out of obligation, because God loves the one who gives with joy.

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