Epidemy Of Blastocytis Hominis in La Isla de coche Because of water supplies Metronidazol is needed.

Over 100 habitants of La isla de coche are afected by this parasite, and because of the coutry's health crisis is almost imposible to find that many treatments , not even starting to think in the prices it would be for them to get those medicines

this parasite causes abdominal pain , diarrhea , vomit,a lost of apetite and a huge increase of white blood cells.

So this is a call for sending them in any way You can to Venezuela or any other way you can find to colaborate, and to help build water treatment plants so the people here can have regular water daily and in a more healthy way.

Thanks in advance to the witness @Sircork and @Youarehope and @malos10 for the #TeamVenezuela channel support ,Your support is very important in this time this country is facing even harder for this people that live in an island who's only economic entry is the fishing and tourism to beaches no one wants to come visit at the momment.

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