A letter from YouAreHOPE Foundation founder, @SirCork, and an urgent request for your love and generosity.

Hello HOPE filled folks!

I am reaching out today to bring several bits of news to you and to ask, once again for your generous time, attention and perhaps a little financial boost in the form of donations to further YouAreHOPE mission work as well, if you feel so inclined after reading this post.

To begin with, some gratitude is owed...

I haven't had time to just sit down and write a blog post for YouAreHOPE in quite a while, and for that I apologize profusely. I am however, very grateful that @fishyculture has helped to fill that gap by graciously and confidently taking over the publication of our weekly Thankful Thursday Transparency & Clarity Reports.

Thank you so much for doing that @fishyculture, you are a gem who shined just when I needed you to arrive, and I'm so glad we were lucky enough that you found and chose to volunteer for the YouAreHOPE home team.

I'd also like to extend a big shout of thanks to @InTheNow who has been running weekly fund raising campaigns among his own communities as well with posts like this one:


Thanks for that VERY much, @InTheNow, we are all thankful to have awesome folks like you around us, helping however and whenever you can!

And of course, all the generous members of #TheAlliance who run nearly continuous fund raising campaigns for YouAreHOPE as well.

And this came in AFTER I made this very post, so I edited it to include it right away! Thanks @lupee, this is very, very kind of you, and isn't our friend @malos10, just awesome!


These shout-outs are not to suggest the smallest donations we receive from the generous minnows among us don't count just as much to reaching our goals, but I just felt compelled to love on these people above for doing these things so continuously and consistently. For that and all of you, we are truly grateful.

Upcoming Missions that deserve your attention and need your love...

Our most pressing upcoming need for assistance from the community really needs to be centered here:

Read the whole heartbreaking story of this place here:

This initiative, brought to me by the ever so big-hearted and dedicated steemizen, @phunke of @steemhelpinghand, is quite a big undertaking to bring mosquito netting, medical supplies, medicines, and actual medical professionals to this incredibly distressed village in Nigeria for a free health care day of treatment and education for the local community members.

Many of these people suffer from diabetes and many other ailments and nutrition deficiencies. Show some love on that post while it remains open for reward, and send donations to YouAreHOPE to support the amount we are gathering to transparently contribute and track in terms of project completion and accountability. We have just one week to gather funds to receive and forward them in time for the event.

A complete breakdown of costs of the effort and all the things related to it necessary to deliver the mission AND validate this as a genuine mission are included in the post above with full documentation.

We've done SO MUCH together, all over the world since we launched last October, but need is never ending.

There are more projects already in progress, or coming soon and we need all the help we can get for them as well.

These include ongoing efforts previously documented on our blog or soon to be announced formally, such as:

  • The playground restoration project already in progress via Agent of Hope and YouAreHOPE Co-Founder @malos10, at the children's school in San Cristobol, Venezuela.

  • Collection of donated shoes and distribution to those in need, once again, by @malos10 and his family, in San Cristobal.

  • Two parallel projects to establish on-going support and income programs via the establishment of new businesses funded by initial charitable gifts, but then becoming self-sustaining for widowed women in Kenya, who in turn will perpetuate kindness and generosity to newly widowed women in need who can come participate in these programs/business opportunities. One of the businesses is a catering business and the other is a commercial peanut butter factory run by these empowered women. These are being orchestrated by @cdphipps. She is new to steem, but I have known her and her family since we were 4 years old. We grew up in school and church together. When she saw what was happening here with @YouAreHOPE and has herself spent the last decade or more visiting Africa on mission trips with various organizations as well, it was kismet for her to join steem and reach out via @YouAreHOPE for assistance here as well.

  • We helped some students take their final exams so they could continue their educations and change their futures for the better in Nigeria.

  • We sent some solar phone chargers to Venezuelans faced with corrupt government, inadequate public utility maintenance and multi-day power outages, so they could remain on steem, via charged cell phones and continue both making a living and extending the generosity of YAH to their communities in a couple of cities in Venezuela.

  • Gosh as I make these bullets, I realize I could keep going and going and still probably manage to forget things and leave them or important people out. We do a lot, fast, and I stay so busy in the fray, it's hard to keep up sometimes.

Please support these amazing steemians, doing amazing things for people that need it the most, all around the world!

The people who need our help, and all of us at YouAreHOPE, would greatly appreciate it!

Yours in service,
Founder @YouAreHOPE
Founder @SteemStarNetwork
Steem Witness team member in full partnership with @Beanz and @RhondaK

Video by @malos10

Video by @inthenow

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