Meet YouAreHOPE's Founder, Steem Witness & Steem Community Contributor: @SirCork

YouAreHOPE was conceived in fall of 2017 by Corky Kaericher, known on the STEEM blockchain as @SirCork.

Corky got his first computer, a TRS-80 "color computer", in 1981 at 12 years old and began his first “professional” job in technology, working after school while attending high school, in 1985 at the first computer store in the Washington DC area of northern Virginia in the United States.

Corky’s career followed an arc from there that lead him through all sizes of companies and even roles in the Federal Government, at one time working for, and winning an excellence award from then President of The United States Bill Clinton.

Other notable positions comprise his extensive career and experience including work as a technical consultant at NASA and stints as other well known and lessor known companies including a couple of his own entrepreneurial adventures during the past three decades.

Today Corky owns an international software company that builds a SaaS product for large scale enterprise clients.

Along the way around 2010, he started dabbling in crypto currencies. Then, as luck would have it, Corky discovered steem and steemit via a crypto blog in early 2017 and signed up, with no idea what was about to happen to his life as a result.

As he is known to say, he “just felt a calling and got involved.”

Corky dove into the steem ecosystem headfirst and with intensity and ended up achieving some remarkable things quite quickly at a pace not often matched by other users in the environment:

He became a top 100 witness within 45 days of establishing the server and announcing it’s existence and he continues to climb quickly up the witness ranking list.

Corky joined and then rose to a top position in the community’s largest new user support group, and joined the groups core leadership team over just one months time in the group.

During Corky’s work with that group, it was added to the official platform welcome page as the officially recommended new user support community for all new platform registrants and arrivals.

Corky co-founded and then single handedly built the MSP Waves Radio Station which serves as the broadcast division of PAL Network and the Minnow Support Project and the station now provides fully commercially licensed 24/7 continuous programming and with an operations team of 7 people that he selectively assembled.

Corky has since resigned from his roles with PAL, MSP and MSP Waves, however at the time of Corky’s resignation from his roles, the MSP Waves station boasted nearly 30 live show hosts, providing live broadcasts each day covering education, news, information and entertainment programming and is still broadcasting continuously to this day, to STEEM ecosystem community listeners and beyond.

The station had proudly served more than 10,000 listening hours across half a dozen continents and reached at least 20 countries at the time of his resignation from P.A.L/MSP.

Corky hosted two very well received radio shows on the MSP Waves radio network, one being educational and philosophical in nature, called the Monday Night Minnow School where he provided lessons in philosophy, principled living and wholesome lifestyle oriented education.

He is known for his concise lessons for listeners with an intent to demonstrate and teach them how to achieve success as they define it in life and on the block.

During the Monday Night Minnow School show, Corky did interviews with the likes of steemit witnesses @timcliff, @aggroed, @crimsonclad and others. Corky’s other unique show, the Friday Night Big Show, produced in part with @crimsonclad who joined the show part-time each week as well, was pure commercial music entertainment, and was enjoyed by enthusiastic listeners each week.

Corky has worked tirelessly to serve others and has executed outreach projects to serve fellow citizens of the world with basic needs via the block chain in the Philippines, Lagos & Nigeria Africa, Sri Lanka, India, and most currently completed a project with the aide of fellow steemitizen, @malos10 to feed poverty stricken and disadvantaged people in economically distressed Venezuela.

As is possible with the rapid growth of any group built on the backs of volunteers, management style differences emerged between top leaders within PAL/MSP after several months with the project.

This resulted in a difficult but important decision for Corky, as he chose to resign all of his roles there and step away from both PAL and MSP Waves.

After four months achieving rapid growth for PAL/MSP, Corky decided to take on an even larger initiative than that group could effectively support in the form of

It was then that he decided to pursue the worldwide humanitarian aide mission known as YOU ARE HOPE, now launched and homed on the very website you are now browsing.

YOU ARE HOPE is a global, worldwide mission outreach program to provide basic human necessities such as clean water, food, clothing and other fundamental needs as required through a grassroots network built by caring humans selected from the STEEM community to act as “boots on the ground” in economically distressed regions of the world.

Corky recognized the potential of the community around him on the blockchain and came forth with the intention to scale his prior solo efforts up with the help of the community and by utilizing the full breadth of the transparency and empowerment provided by crypto blockchain technologies and the relationships he had built around the blockchain communities.

Now Corky seeks to strike up a great discussion with YOU, about what we, the community at large, can all do together for the betterment of the world both right now and in the future.

Please feel free to reach out to Corky anytime with your ideas about how we can all work together to do just that.

Follow Corky Kaericher On Steemit at @SirCork

Visit the off-steemit information website at

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