YouAreHOPE Transparent Town Hall Weekly Episode #2 - Where I foretell the future, rant, cry and tear apart a high profile steemitizen for racism.

I believe this might be my most honest hour of broadcasting in a career of being behind microphones that first began in 1988 and has since seen me spend countless hours on FM, cable, and internet stations over the years

In this episode, I discuss some mistakes I've made this week, and hold myself accountable to you all in earnest and make a cry for help, because I'm overwhelmed with the sheer volume of people and things that must be addressed each day since creating @YouAreHOPE last fall.

We discuss some potential futures for charity on steem and the amazing potentials here.

I talk about why we are STEEM exclusive and my commitment to that staying true as a STEEM witness (#78) and a true believer.

I talk about why we do not go off the steem chain for other sources of donations or register as a non-profit with the "government" which I strongly do not support, and I explain in detail why.

And then I get mad. REAL mad, at a steemian famous for basically being nothing more than the Kim Kardashian of Steem, a person who is famous for more or less no significantly discernible reason, who publicly made an incredibly crass, heartless, and downright racist comment last week on another streaming network.

Utterly, one of the most disgusting displays of arrogance and ego I have yet to see on the chain. And I've seen plenty of assholes at the top of this food chain. Fakes, charlatans and charades. But this takes that cake and shoves it in your face.

And I let go full blast with both barrels.

And if you saw this, wouldn't you get pretty fucking angry too?

Racist much?

Pretty arrogant, because you know she means herself, if you saw it in context...

The people who are being being fucking funded were pretty fucking heartbroken to be thought of as stage props.

These are my international family, my brothers, and I got news for you. They are not your fucking crutch to fame.

THIS is an episode not to miss. I will not retract a single word of it. And as it turns out, a large community supports my position.

So without further ado, please watch and share this video, if you ever resteem anything of mine at all, this is the one. Please!

So there's that.

Yours in transparent service,
Steem Witness 78
@YouAreHOPE Foundation

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