YOURS:Earn cash for good content. [i like steemit,also want to try yours……]

What is YOURS?

Our mission is to improve the quality of content on the internet by getting people paid for creating and discovering good content. We're making everyone in the world an entrepreneur on their smart phone.
We believe peer-to-peer payments are the missing piece in social media. The lack of payments are why the internet is filled with clickbait, spam, and fake news. People should be able to earn money directly from the people who support them. Not everything should be funded by third-party advertisers.
Furthermore, we want to get everyone paid - not just the people who create good content, but also the people who discover, curate, edit and moderate good content. Everyone who contributes to high quality content should earn money for their work. 

A Social media like steemit.  Earn cash for good content.

How to join YOURS ? 

  • Sigpn up Its easy to join YOURS, you just need a email account. and choose a user name , like jubi,dan,ned ……  and the user name will be your homepage name , like:
  • Login in  Just use your email account ,and password
  • add avatar  Set your avatar on gravatar using your email address  (enter setting page)
  • nickname Although we can't change username,we can set nickname that will be displayed in YOURS, like : the big whale jubi……(enter setting page)
  •  Email Verification   click verificate button , then you will receive a email , click the url ,then done.(enter setting page)

Finish these steps, join.

How does buying work?

You can earn money for creating good content. The default price is 10¢, but you can set any price you want to for people to buy your content. You don't have to charge anything if you don't want to; just put the entire content before the pay wall and other users will tip you if they like your work.The cost of publishing something to the front-page is 10¢ (independent of the price you set for your content).

How does voting work?

You can earn money by voting on good content early. Each vote costs 10¢ and the payment is distributed evenly between all earlier voters. This way, if you vote on something that proceeds to go viral, you profit because you get paid by all subsequent voters.At the same time voters are doing a service to the community because your votes help other users find high quality content. Voters are also supporting content creators because the first vote always to the content creator for free

How do comments work?

You can comment on a post by paying to the author of the post. The authors sets the price (defaults to 2¢) and the author earns the money.

How does tipping work?

Tipping is a way to reward someone directly. If you like the work that someone is doing, visit their user page by clicking on their name. Then tip them as much as you want by clicking the tip button.

How does Yours earn money?

Yours Inc. earns money by charging 10¢ to post content and by always being the first voter on every piece of content.

How does the Yours payment system work?

Yours is powered by on-chain Bitcoin Cash transactions. Users hold their private keys; Yours Inc. does not have access to user funds and cannot prevent cashing out. Export your wallet on the cash page to be sure you can always access your cash. Put it in a safe place. Although value is stored with Bitcoin Cash, the prices on the website are always denominated in USD. 


NOW , yours has 8 tags are  general  crypto  fiction  art  science  photos  nsfw  meta, so you can choose one tag to post, post something you are good at.

After post, your articel will  be displayed in the front page of yours like this.

The black area will show you that you spent or you earn. The blue area is the vote button. The red area will show you the total votes. 

The most important point is , create a post will cost you 10¢,and you will vote yourself one vote.  others vote it ,you will earn!

so, you need some bch at first .


Products are not for comparison, i like steemit , also i have a interest in YOURS. Maybe some people think yours is a joke ,but it doesnt matter, have a try .


为了凑字数,英文部分东拼西凑,原谅我英文不好,哈哈。这贴的目的是为了介绍下YOURS, 为啥尼,因为我在yours赚了靠近300刀,虽然很少,但是确实是赚到了一点小钱。对于目前的steemit来说,也许能赚到钱的用户很少,所以如果你有精力,喜欢尝试,可以试试yours。


yours赚取的方式有2种,第一,投票,挖掘会成为热门的内容。当然你的文章在被人投票的时候也可以获得收益。所以vote是双向的。 第二,付费,如果你觉得你的内容有一定价值,可以选择一部分内容作为付费阅读。就我现在的观察,数字货币类型的文章付费效果最佳。  最后还有一个赚钱渠道是TIP,也就是打赏。我遇到过被人打赏5美金的情况……哈哈运气真好。





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