YouTube caught removing views and subscribers from loyal channels!

This morning I watched a new video that came out on the HighImpactFlix channel, and it inspired little investigation of my own. In his video, he described YouTube removing views from his anti Hillary Clinton videos. This reminded me of their new policy.

They spung this new policy without warning and began demonetizing videos that fall under these extremely vague guidelines. Some of the worst examples that I have seen of videos being demonetized were a series of videos about advice on dealing with suicide. Here is the channel's response on that:

Aside from all of this going on, the worst part about this, in my opinion, is the last category, "controversial subjects and events." Subjects considered "controversial" include a lot of people standing up against the things wrong with our country (the U.S.) and the world. This is YouTube's way of suppressing our opinions even more.

I found out today that YouTube doesn't even stop there at suppressing the opinions that they don't agree with. There is video PROOF that views are getting removed from these "controversial" videos. Not only that, but the channels that constantly post these videos are having subscribers taken away also! There are two very important things seriously wrong with all of this:

  1. The loyal channels that constantly post videos are getting ripped off by YouTube. This is how they get paid, and YouTube, with a $86.22 billion net worth, is taking their income.
  2. Taking away views makes it a lot harder for users on YouTube to find these videos. Unless they are already subscribed to these channels, users will probably never even know that they exist!

Here is a collection of videos I found on this topic. I probably won't even scratch the surface.

  • By HighImpactFlix
  • I really enjoy this guy's videos. He is even here on Steemit @highimpactflix.

  • By Qronos16

  • By TheGreat deception

  • By NFKRZ


Although the majority of these channels post controversial subjects, this isn't only affecting channels on that topic. The last channel I linked was about fashion!

In my opinion, we need a new website to host our videos. YouTube is becoming absolutely terrible. We need to move on from it. Maybe Steemit will allow video uploads in the future!

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