Clif High: Cryptocurrencies NOT in a Bubble

Clif High explains why he knows cryptocurrencies are not in a bubble.


  • What are the characteristics of a bubble;
  • Historical context -- Rome is falling;
  • Low saturation of cryptocurrencies around the world -- still largely unheard of;
  • Individual cryptocurrencies could be life changing -- understanding them is key;
  • and more..

26 minute video by Clif High published 26 May 2017


Clif High's YouTube channel: Clif High
Clif High's website: Half Past Human

I am not affiliated with the "HalfPastHuman", other than being a fan and avid follower of Clif's work.
The purpose of this post is to raise awareness of the "HalfPastHuman", give Clif's work a wider audience, and direct traffic to his YouTube channel.
If you liked this video, please subscribe to Clif's YouTube Channel,Clif High, for more videos and updates.

ALTA (webbot) Reports are available for purchase from Clif's website, Half Past Human for a modest price.

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