Escobar Uncovered: 5 Days w/ Pablo Escobar’s Top Assassin - SNEAK PEEK!

This last February, I was fortunate enough to spend 5 days with Pablo Escobar’s former top assassin, Jhon Jairo Velásquez aka “Popeye” in his hometown of Medellín, Colombia. It was during this time that my film crew & I got a first-hand look into his life as Pablo Escobar’s right-hand man, what it was like working for the powerful Medellín Cartel, and discussing his 22-year prison sentence.


Popeye confesses to over 250 killings of his own doing, and admits to having orchestrated thousands more. But despite his bloody past, he is now a reformed man; speaking out against violence & raising awareness of the atrocities of drug-related crimes. He is even seeking a new career as a YouTuber with over 300,000 subscribers, while using his influence to bring political reforms to the crisis in Bolivarian Venezuela.


We've gathered enough footage to create a special multi-episode series detailing our adventures with Popeye, the first episode of which is to be released on my channel They Will Kill You in the next week or two. Apart from the YouTube videos, I will also be supplementing it with a day-by-day journal describing each day’s events & happenings (along with behind-the-scenes photos, unreleased content, etc.), all of which will be available exclusively here on the Steemit platform!


In the meantime, check out our trailer with Popeye here:

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