My Monster [Original Poetry Collaboration]


Frankenstein's monster
has got nothing on mine
Knees rooted in sorrow
Fire molten and melting down her neck
Smoke instead of a soul
Caught between
the parenthetical of disappointment
the hyphen
of spiteful jokes
Everyone talks about abuse
like it's a new flavor of creme in their coffee
Little do they know
that they are pulling the strings

My second poem inspired by the great poetry from @yusaymon's post, for @inquiringtimes contest. The first one is located here. This is all part of a contest for Yusaymon month- go check out his work! Huge shout-out to the poetry workshops at both MSP and the Writers Block for giving feedback on this poem, especially @geke @crimsonclad and @writerofthings.
Edit note: Originally I cited this image as belonging to Yusaymon- I was incorrect and have edited it to cite the correct artist.



Art is property of Klarem
Poetry is property of Sunravelme

3 columns
2 columns
1 column