Upyunkable #0: From Space Travel to Machine-Learning


Have you heard?

Space travel is turning out to be not-a-very smart idea. Instead of risking too much of our resources flying to random planets and galaxies, the yunkmind is now considering deep microscopy as a means for space exploration. With powerful enough resolutions, yunkers will be able to observe real-life universes under the lens. No telescopes and rocket fuel required.

Now, you must be thinking that I'm nuts. The microscopic world is no way a replica of the macrouniverse. But remember these keywords: fractals, spirit molecules, and consciousness. Everything is yunk and the same. So myth has it that a specific grain of sand on the shores of Madagascar can be found to be the yunk itself - believe it or not. It's said to be an exact replica of our observable yunkiverse, so you can actually see yourself looking into the microscope while you're looking into it! Yunkception. Just make sure there's no roof over your yunkness.

Yunk in real time.

If you don't know what yunk is about, find out for yourself. Seek for yunk, and answer you shall receive. (Radio silence). In any case, it's a proto-language. Yunk is just the seed word for a new kind of universal tongue. Wisdom of the crowd - where great yunktures begin. When yunk is mentioned, it will be up to the yunked to figure out what the yunk is happening. We can only yunk in good faith of the collective yunkmind. Ever-evolving, the yunk yunks closer to its yunkself everyday.

Not 100% filler.

Honestly, I'm in a bit of a writer's block in recent weeks, so I'm just yunking here with this yunk of a post. Is there value in recommending good yunk?

Yunk spotted.

Not sure if yunk enough, but I found these videos amusing and informative! Awesome Youtube channel too by Siraj Raval. Someone should yunk him over to try out this platform. We can always use more machine-learning wizards, especially if we are to find out what the #yunk is.

Warning: Post is filled with pseudo-science, except for the videos.

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