Meshing Steem Projects - A New Zappl Board on ChainBB


Disclaimer: This post published using chainBB website. I will pay special attention to people who comment directly from chainBB with my votes to reward people who have the courage to try something new.


This is my second post using chainBB to post. It's been fun and I had a blast talking with @jesta about all the super cool stuff coming soon for this plaform. I know that right now he's focusing on the desktop wallet but he will shortly come back and give another sprint to this little bomb of a platform. If you need any explication on why I only post and comment using chainBB, click here.

What's new on chainBB? The @zappl is on it!

@steemitqa mentioned in the comment section that it would be nice for Zappl to have it's own forum board. I understand that they have a discord chat and to release news...but there is nothing like a community forum to build a community.

So after he said that, I went ahead and started talking with @jesta and within an hour, he had the zappl board on


I'm still very excited about @zappl and I can't wait to start using a mobile app to Zap short micro-blogs multiple times a day.

Every project should have a board on chainBB

If you are working on the development of a project or a new platform on steem, you need to aggregate all the conversations regarding your project in one place and ranked them by the one with the latest comment on it. For that you have to use chainBB.

I've heard that @jesta will be working on adding the ability to add Sticky posts for announcements and other cool stuff. I can't say too much but just be assured that some very interesting developments are coming soon.

Want Free Money? Comment using chainBB!

At the current moment, my votes give away about $3. So in the comment below, I will be upvoting people who used chainBB to post their comments. I will also be perusing the forum to find people who write comments using it. (in the beer forum and other) Not only are you making money, but you are also helping that way to fund the development of this very promising project.

One last Thing, are you a twitter user?

If so - maske sure to take part in Bobby Lee's poll and vote for STEEM as the currency that should be added to BTCC. The more exchanges we can get supporting Steem, the more options all of us will have to buy or sell Steem :)

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