ULOG #2 - Day Positivity Challenge - Day 2 - Learning

7 Day Positivity Challenge - Day 2


Since adopting our son the term learning has taken on a whole new meaning, he prior to meeting us a month ago had never known anything outside the orphanage, where he had spent his short little life. We are truly blessed that he choose us with the help of the relevant authorities and really do love every minute we get to spend with him.

Well, maybe not every, but who loves tantrums and sleepless nights, don't get me wrong, we still love him at that moment but maybe not love that moment. In all honesty, he really is a good kid and we really are super lucky. He sleeps well every other night and tantrums can generally be subdued with a distraction, the best by far to date is the zoo train or a trip outside.

One of these outside adventures involved a trip to collect the mail. While we didn't find any mail we did find the local newspaper. Distraction complete, now to see what we could learn from it. We took the paper inside and started by turning the pages until this became repetitive and unsatisfying and moved on to pulling it apart. Pulling it apart lead to scrunching and tearing all while throwing out random giggles and grunts.


We moved on from seek and destroy to hide and seek in his "nappy bag", we have a separate supply bag but we found this one a welcome distraction from the one full of distractions I would rather not have him pull out and spread around the house.


With the attention span of a gnat the bag was ditched for more of a scatter and stomp method, soon after the giggles subsided we did a cleanup and I thought got all the scraps of paper in the bin. I found out later that I had missed a bit still hidden in his bag as when my hubby @shai-hulud was making his bottle he pulled it out and proceeded to prove he learnt how to tear as he shreds it into little bits.


Imagine his surprise to turn around after 30 seconds to see his newly washed and vacuumed floor covered in bits of newspaper, still makes me laugh now thinking about it. He really is super adorable and no I am not a shite photography that misses his face in every shot. In Australia, there are laws around showing identifiable images online until the adoption is complete 6-9month post arriving back in the country.

While this causes me great pain not to share his full cuteness with you all I thought I would share glimpses of his ability to learn fast. I only showed him how to tear once and he copied me, he does this with dad all the time but not often with me so it was a win for mum, not that this is a competition, we love him and he loves us even if he can't express it in words.

He actually gave me a real kiss today, he usually just gives me his cheek to kiss, but no he kissed mine.

Not only is our awesome son learning new things daily, us too as parents are learning new things daily, one thing that daddy learnt recently is that cutting a toddlers hair even with a mini shaver is not a good idea, they do not make the model clients and rarely sit still.


Did he tell me he tried to cut his hair? No, I upon snuggling after returning home from work noticed this ridiculous straight line. When I asked him why he would attempt such a thing, he told me it looked as if his hair was annoying his ears so he thought a quick trim could only help. I couldn't keep a straight face and cracked up laughing. Hair grows back so no harm no foul, but we did discuss not doing this again in the future without help.

Ever laugh so hard you cried?

I made my hubby proofread this pre clicking the post button, I do this on the odd occasion to get his input, this post however it was not to get his input to make sure he saw his learning section. He got to the photo and knew instantly that was why he was asked to proofread it, turning to confirm that was the reason he found me laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my face, he was already laughing and soon had tears in his eyes as he continued to crack up and read my breakdown of his learnt lesson.

I do love you so very much husband!

As always thanks for reading and hope you got a laugh and some learnings from this too. See you next time!

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The challenge...

Three times a charm

So I had been nominated by three individuals, @viking-ventures, @happycrazycon & @holisticmom, then encouraged by @danielsaori to join so here I am. See below for what the challenge entails.

  • Write a post about something you have to be positive about today. This could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit

Just keep it positive

  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated Note that I will not be doing this continuously but I will get 7 days out.

  • Mention three people who should do this on each day. Feel free to complete this challenge or not, it is up to you. It has taken me over a month to get day one out and it may take me another month to get the seven days out.

Given this has been out for a few months some of the people I mention may have already been nominated by another, so feel free to do it a second time or abstain from this round. I nominate @lapb, @ and @

  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post.
    Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.

  • Include a picture of something positive Related to your story if possible.

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Want some inspiration or a maybe a laugh, I'm pretty funny I have been told. CHECK out these posts, all brought to you by @insideoutlet!

#13 What is it? First to guess right wins!
ULOG #1 - 7 Day Positivity Challenge - Day 1 - Time
#12 What is it? First to guess right wins!

My hubby @shai-hulud is also a great steemian worth a follow, check out some of his below:

Confessions of an End of days Overlord. An Entry for Neoxian's Prodigious and Desolate Post-Apocalyptic Writing contest!

Steemit Week 1: Who Are You
Don't get hooked by a Phishing scam. Actual steps you can take to protect yourself.
Steemit Day One #2: Why lock an Empty House
Welcome to Steemit. Day one: Get ready for the learning curve.

Shai & I.jpg

What to know more about @shai-hulud and I Check out these posts:

Butt naked with 2500 other cruise line passengers! Featured in @qurator & @asapers
Love isn’t always shit free. Featured in @thesteemengine and #themagnificentseven
How I got flipped Inside Out... For REAL! Featured in @thesteemengine
Our Adoption Adventure Written by @shai-hulud, my amazeballs hubby

Did YOU know that your upvote needs time to recharge? If not check out this post below, if you like it please consider upvoting a more recent post as this one has now paid out.

Steem & Voting Power, how not to waste it!

If you like any posts above and they are past seven days please consider upvoting a more recent post as these while very useful have already paid out.

Where else can you find me?

While most of my time is spent on Steemit, I do exist outside of it, happy to connect if you do too!

Health Blog - InsideOut Ostomy Life
Facebook - InsideOut Ostomy Life
Instagram - InsideOut Ostomy
Twitter - InsideOut Ostomy


One last thing! I am a founder of the @asapers and we have a profit-sharing curation post called Read me A.S.A.P. We curate from our followers so make sure you follow the @asapers if you want to be in with a chance to be curated next.


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Steemit Bloggers

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Team Australia Banner @bearone, @asapers by @shai-hulud, @steemitbloggers by @zord189
All images my own or directly sourced at the image with the exception of my #whatisit contest as that would give it away.

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