🎈So happy to have owned 100+ Followers in 2 Weeks, Give away SBD!🎉🎁/我在steemit上也拥有100个支持者了,开心地不要不要的,我也要送SBD!

At 2:31 pm on July 30th, 2017(Beijing time), a mysterious account in this social platform---steemit was created. ... Well, I can not make it up any more.My account came into effect at that moment.


Is it time to say something? Well, I have to say that I want to thank so many people. First of all, thank my parents and teachers, they succeeded in raising me up with the correct "three values" so that I can interact with everyone on the Internet. And then I really really thank my friends, whether you are whales or minnows. Whoever we can chat with are friends! Some of them have also written such post and like @..., but there are so many, so I just hope you can understand.


Actually, I have known steemit not just for 14 days. It has dated back to the day since my boyfriend's account was created. Before I wrote posts, he had told me, "Since you want to share something on this platform, you don't have to care about how much you have gained from your articles. If you care too much, you will feel tired."

其实我不仅仅接触steemit 14天,从男朋友的账号 @mrpointp诞生于此的时候,我就开始了解它。在我的账号创立之前,男朋友就告诉我:既然你要玩steemit,那就不要在意这帖那帖得了多少钱,如果你过于在意就会很累。

Looking back at his home page, most of his posts gained only $0.5 or $1 during the first two weeks and now he has made more progress than before. But I find he is always writing posts with interest and serious about each article. Every time, he finishes, he is rarely concerned about its proceed, but I am more than excited and refresh the website every now and then. I do not exaggerate the words and do not want to boast that he is a person who is not pleased by external gains and not saddened by personal losses deliberately. As a steemit player, you need to have such a mentality, or you will lose much more than you get.


Now, I am writing only one series---Write a Poem for You---My handwritten copy of the poem, like Write a Poem for You---My handwritten copy of the poem #9: Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again. The original idea of it is to regain the habit of handwriting. Nowadays, most of us are accustomed to using a computer or mobile phone instead of handwriting. Meanwhile, to have a different understanding of the classic poetry is my purpose. At present, it is has been accpeted.
In addition, I share some moments happened in my life, like An Unmissable Dine and Dash.

我目前只写了一个系列:为你写诗---我的手抄诗歌,如 为你写诗--我的手抄诗歌#9:再别康桥 ,这个系列的初衷是希望自己回归到手写,现在大多数都习惯用电脑或手机代替写字。同时,用重读经典诗歌的方式来作出不一样的理解。目前看来,大家还比较接受这一系列。 此外,我也偶尔分享一些生活的点滴,如:一顿不可错过的霸王餐

Here, I think you may want to know how to get the rewards! I am a minnow and I can only contribute 6 SBD respectively to the first three friends (except @mrpointp, @lymichale) who get the right answer. It is easy to answer my question---how tall am I? The following are two photos for your reference.


The prize:

  • The 1st prize 3 SBD
    • The 2nd prize 2 SBD
      • The 3rd Prize 1SBD
        • PS: Each of you have only one chance. The first three get the right answer or close to the right anwer will be rewarded. The deadline is August 16th. On that day, I will give the answer and send the rewards to the winners at 8 pm. Good luck!



        • 第一名 3 SBD
          • 第二名 2 SBD
            • 第三名 1 SBD
              • 注:每人仅有1次机会,前3名说出正确答案或最接近正确答案的朋友获得以上奖励。截止日期8月16日,那天公布答案。祝大家好运!


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