Adventure Reading Contest - Dressing for a Date With History

This is my entry in @therovingreader's Adventure Reading Contest.

If you'd like to participate, you have until this Sunday, January 28, to submit your own picture and story. The rules and guidelines for the contest can be found here. It's a fun idea and I'm grateful to @therovingreader for putting it together.

I'm also grateful to @atopy for writing about the contest here, and as usual, providing some of her charming big-headed illustrations. They always make me laugh.

In her post, she describes two types of readers. She's a type 2 - the one who sits up all night devouring a book in a frenzy. Then -

You have the type 1 reader. A sophisticated individual reading heavy philosophical subjects, while sitting in his art deco armchair and smoking his pipe.

Was she talking about me? (No, she wasn't.) But I couldn't resist having a go at living up to her stereotype.


Since @dayleeo has dubbed me "The unofficial 'old stuff' guy on Steemit," and since I'm eager to cling to any kind of brand I can establish, I just had to pull out the old Royal again to compose my story.

Here it is:




Oh right, here's the link to the pipe story. I forgot that typing with a different colored ribbon doesn't just turn a piece of paper into a hyperlink.

Montgomery the dog came with me on this adventure.

I grow old ... I grow old ... /I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

Here's a glimpse at the rough draft -

just to remind you young whippersnappers of the way we used to edit our manuscripts - with blood red ink and tears:

You mean I've still got to type it all over again?

No wonder authors drink so much!

"Are you putting stuff on the internet? Don't you know that's for cats?"


Thanks for coming on this adventure with me. You can check out other entries in the contest under the #adventurereading tag, and again, go here if you'd like to submit your own.

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