Steemit: Poor People killer Or A Strategic Solution For All ?

Apart from few investors interested in crypto diversification, in reality, majority of people on steemit are here for the financial gains and ability to earn enough in order to be free from poverty / hardship caused by unemployment, economic conditions ,  help relatives / friends in financial difficulties and self-reliance. 


 These conditions have, unfortunately, caused a situation of gold rush and even in extreme situation begging for up votes like a junkie in need of crack cocaine (Please upvote my post, upvote for upvote ,follow for follow,  follow and upvote etc) and if they fail to succeed in getting up votes, some even give up the ghost 

However is steemit the magic answer to the problem? The simple answer is that it depends!!!!   Most of us have read how some hardworking steemians from emerging economies  examples, @firepower , @ogoowinner , @dragonslayer109 , @ogochukwu , @kenhudoy  and @ehiboss  (to mention just few) started with almost nothing , faced very bad infrastructures (poor electric supply , internet and computers plus difficult economic situation ) however still work hard to achieving success against all odds. Moreover, for those who are whining against steemit for not being a success, why not ask yourself what you will do different in order to succeed in this amazing platform. See my former blog post: Stop Whining, Here Are Way To Improve Your Earnings On Steemit .

Below are some few points that will help:   

  • Expectations: some people join to make big money starting from day one because of what they are told or even because of concentrating on the trending pages. This is the wrong way because most people that make it on the hot and trending pages put in months of hard work , constant high quality contents and invested a lot of money in steem power (including building  top contacts here). Therefore solution to this issue is to work hard daily by focusing on great comments on other people posts (thus building good followers), posting great contents, invest your earnings in steem power (future security) and have fun blogging here(if you concentrate on the fun side, money will follow).   
  • Co-operation & Networking: @pharesim and @firepower , for example , are examples  of how networking and strategic co-operation / partnership can lead to a big success in steemit and subsequently, positive financial return. Most people in developed and developing economies will love to join steemit if someone can explain the details in layman language. Therefore, organizing local events is a great way to sign up many people to steemit and build strategic alliances (real followers) with them-this will certainly lead to increase in your post view and up votes without begging for them. 
  • Following the right people: we all have our core-competences, therefore in order to be a success here it will be a great idea to go to the steemit tag and look for great writers in area of your interest (there are many of them ) for example , if your interests are in adventures (wild or sporst)  and exploring the world @surfermarly , @papa-pepper  plus his tribe and  @twinner are some writers creating great contents there. With respect to holiday , tourism and travelling , @sweetsssj , , @rea  and @kafkanarchy84 always perform- and when it comes to work of art/photography then check out   @opheliafu , @saramiller ,  @inber  and @deanliu  . Furthermore, when it comes to great mouthwatering foods and drinks @nickoskitchen ,   @amy-goodrich  , @gringalicious, @wthomas ,  @karenmckersie and  @elfkitchen  does magic via their posts  and thus always win me over via their excellent  posts.  Importantly,  @thecryptofiend , @xaero1 ,  @infovore , @lydon.sipe@blueorgy , @ats-david  , @good-karma and @krnel constructive tips are very helpful and thus will adds value to your offline and online needs. 

Conclusion:  In this post, I discussed issues faced by many steemians especially in the developing economies and why some are still successful against all odds. Moreover, working hard, focusing on the fun part of steemit, networking, investing in steem power, focusing on your core-competences , high quality posts  and being respectful  to your fellow members will always add value to you here at steemit and thus make steemit a strategic solution to  your needs .  

 What do you think? Send in your comment, Please resteem this for others to join and upvote to send your support.   

Also click here and read how I   Exposed: @Dan Hidden Plan To Take Over The World    

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