Destiny Calls. How to unearth your destiny. Rise Africa.

Princess Bola Adelani has officially launched the 2017 Royal Proclamations Destiny Calls Rise Africa Tour.


Princess Bola's spiritual daughter, from Johannesburg, Simamkele Dial, is the emcee for the two days of total empowerment.

What is destiny?

 Destiny is taken from destination.
 Destiny is an pre-ordained destination
        that an individual is designed to
        attain or to reach, accomplish or
 An ultimate goal.
 Purpose, objective
 Ultimate end.

The Bible is our manufacturer's manual.

The Bible, the Word of God, contains everything we need to know about our purpose, destiny; what we are designed for; how to function optimally. Everything that we needis in the Bible.
  • If we do not read the Manufacturer's manual, what features are we missing out?
  • Why do we not make the effort to read or study the Bible?
  • Why are we callous about what God has invested in us?

Princess Bola says, "Wow! Wow! Wow! What a word. This is great stuff even if I have to say so myself :). You absolutely have to watch this is you want to know how to; Unearth Your Destiny! Join us for LIVE broadcasts on Thursday at 2pm EST on Facebook or Periscope. Register for the 2017 RISE Africa Tour."

We are God's idea.

We are created for relationship with God.

God wanted a species that He could have a relationship with.
We are created in God's own image & likeness.
God desires a Father son, a Father daughter relationship.

We are created to represent God on earth.

Exercise dominion, authority, influence, show forth His glory, bring a kingdom culture into every arena.
Bring in more souls into the kingdom.
Reproduce after ourselves & fill the earth with a species of people in relationship with Him, walking in dominion authority & power.
Be fruitful, multiply, subdue, replenish the earth.

Simamkele Dial. Your emcee for the 2017 RISE Africa Tour.

We have different pathways to accomplish our purpose & destiny.

We all have different goals & talents to reach our goal.

Dig deep to unleash your destiny which is embedded in the womb of your spirit.


             Expertise, equipping
  • How are your designed? Your personality? How are you wired?
  • What is your expertise? What are gifted for? What is your talent?
  • Do your life experiences tell a story? Has your mess become a message? What pain have you overcome?
  • What do you enjoy doing?

Join Princess Bola Adelani on the 2017 Royal Proclamations Destiny Calls Rise Africa Tour.

Before you unearth your purpose, you need to have a relationship with God.
We need to stop trying to figure things out for ourselves & take the Bible & learn from His Word.
We are the result of God's idea.
Do you need a spiritual midwife or a coach?
Princess Bola is raising up an army of marketplace evangelists & Jubilee partners. You too can partner with Princess Bola.

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