Binary & Trinary Systems in the Matrix, Reality Is Now Stranger Than Science-Fiction


 Technological Immortality Will Not be For Everybody, And Here is Why... 

 German researcher Harald Kautz-Vella  (
Off-Planet AI   The unknowns involved in artificial intelligence loom over humanity.  Harald Kautz-Vella says, “Most of the people in the world are wrong when  they think that AI is something that we [meaning humans on earth] have  developed. True to some extent. But there is a second type of AI that is  much older and not of terrestrial origin that we are facing. Hard to  prove, but it’s looks like the AI we are working on is seeded by these  original extraterrestrial AI.”    ................  AI is a binary system. It can self-replicate, but it cannot create. We  humans are a TRINARY system. In Sanskrit this is often termed the  Triadic Heart. What it means is that we have the ability to reach into  our Heart Chakra, connect with our Source, and bring God-Consciousness  into manifestation. We trinary humans with our seven chakra system, can  create. 

Max Igan "The Coming 5G Roll-out & AI Will Transform Human Society By 2025!"  

Here are a few headlines that you might want to google up... but anybody can see that technology will  *not* be used for peace but cage humanity into a hunger-game type of society plugged into the virtual hive mind and with  cyborgs in command  and their cliques waging  cyberwars on each others. 

Engineers Create The First Dust-Sized Wireless Sensors That Can Be Implanted Into The Human Body |  Smart Dust – The Future of Involuntary Treatment of the Public   | Science Fiction Becomes Reality, Robots to Get "Electronic Personhood" Legal Status  | Scientists add letters to DNA alphabet to create ‘semisynthetic’ life  |  The genetically-modified CYBORG dragonflies that can be remotely controlled to spy on people  |   Scientists Successfully Store Computer File In DNA - Total DNA Programming Of Humans On Demand  |   Super-fast computer made from DNA 'grows as it computes' |   Incredible 3D Printer Can Make Bone, Cartilage, and Muscle  |   Mind hacking: Scientists want new laws to stop our thoughts from being stolen |   DARPA — the U.S. military’s “mad science” branch — announced their Targeted Neuroplasticity Training (TNT) program.  |   You might already be Microchipped - Leaked Docs Confirm Virtually Everything on Planet Tracked  |  Apple set to destroy reality and ensnare ‘tech hipsters’ into augmented worlds that disconnect people from reality |   Tiny, Lens-Free Camera Could Hide in Clothes, Glasses 

Gene Editing Now Admittedly Causes Hundreds of Mutations 

Technological Immortality, Think Again? What Musk And Kurzweil Don't Say And Why Does It Matter

 Thank you for resteening and upvoting these ideas, more people   have to know that there is a bold solution to embrace the end of   darwinism/competition that will be upon us in 10 years from now.   The  Earth Custodians Movement is a futuristic endeavor for humans who want  to remain humans and to spread the importance of understanding Objective  Reality for the sake of  peaceful sciences.  

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