7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #1 Hybrid Theory (Linkin Park)


Obviously I'm not gonna say no to a challenge which is about a music :) Sooo thx @pipiczech for lettin' me know about this!

Me, albums and Youtube

I was super pumped about having to choose my favorite album. And then I've realized I'm not really an album guy anymore :D Since Youtube is around, I've been listening to songs pretty randomly. Later on, with Spotify things got little bit more back into albums, but it's not what it used to be in CD times. Can't really talk about kasettes as those times passed me really just slightly.

So since this challenge should take 7 days, I'mma take it kind of chronologically. The album I'm gonna mention now is actually the album I still listen to to this days :) Pretty well known and famous one - Hybrid Theory from Linkin Park


Samozrejme ze vyzvu od @pipiczech neodmietnem, o to skor ked to zahrna rozpravanie o hudbe! Diks za nominaciu!

Ja, albumy a Youtube

Najprv som bol total nadseny, ze si budem musiet vybrat oblueny album. To su otazky, pri ktorych sa clovek vzdy vzda :D Teraz musim. No prave som si uvedomil, ze vlastne albumy az tak nepocuvam :) Odkedy prisiel Youtube, je to dost o nahode, co zahra dalsie. S prichodom Spotify sa to znova dostalo trochu do starych kolaji, no uz to nie je ako v casoch CDciek. Kazdy ma fakt len lizli.

Kedze je tato vyzva na 7 dni, asi na to pojdem chronologicky :) No a album, ktory pravdepodobne fakt pocuvam najdlhsie zo vsetkych a pocuvam ho do dnesnych dni je...vsetci ho aj tak isto poznate ..... Hybrid Theory od Linkin Park

Perception of the album over time

It was funny how as my English was getting better over time, I've started to understand the lyrics more and more. And my perception of the album slowly shifted from childish one to....little bit less childish :D When it comes to lyrics, I do enjoy them much more in rap music so if I'm playing Linking Park, it's still more to get the pure music-related emotion tho. I really enjoy this album while jogging...or not jogging but hard sprints. I have some other aces up the sleeve for jogging :) Might talk about them next time.

Here my 3 favorites from the album:

Pohlad na album pocas rokov

Bola celkom sranda pozorovat, ako sa menilo moje vnimanie albumu pocas toho, ako sa zlepsovala moja anglictina a zacal som rozumiet textu viac a viac. A z detskeho vnimania pesniciek som sa pomaly dostal na....menej detske :D Napriek tomu vsak, pokial mi ide o texty, tak si ich najlepsie uzijem v rapovej hudbe. Cize Linkacov si vacsinou pustam aj tak kvoli tej "surovej" energii z hudby. Casto si pustim tento album napr. pocas sprintov. Na bezne pomale behanie mi to az tak nepasuje.

Tu vyber mojich 3 najoblubenejsich:

I love the part which start at 0:45 / Top cast je 0:45...


Rules and my nomination

Well, I'm too lazy to write the rules here. But you can check out @pipiczech and her post, where are the rules. She's a cool girl into gaming gaming and stuff, so check her profile once you're there.

And regarding my nomination, I've picked @evecab. Hope you'll find time as you seem to be busy lately :)

Thx for reading!

Pravidla a nominacia

Joooj, pravidla sa mi fakt nechce prepisovat. Mozte ich checknut u @pipiczech a jej poste. Predstavovat ju asi nemusim :D Prazacka, gamerka, donkeypongova prava ruka :D

No a co sa tyka mojej nominacie, tak som sa rozhodol pre @evecab. Dufam, ze to prijme, bo vyzera v poslednom case dost busy.

Diks za precitanie!


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