Where history and modern times meet | Liberation Monument in Innsbruck



And I'm back in Innsbruck. And with me being back, IBK-related posts have green again :) Today's #architecturalphotography comes in handy cuz I want to share with you thing which I've noticed very early as I've came here. For that, I'll need this picture of Austrian Liberation Monument. It was erected between 1946 and 1948, constructed by Tyrolean craftsmen, sponsored by the French and it commemorates Austria's liberation from 7 years of nazi rule and occupation. That's it for today's history lesson :D

So what's that typical thing?

Well, Innsbruck has always been one of the most dominant and important towns of Austria. Just open up it's Wikipedia page and you'll see what I'm talking about. This results that various historical buildings are all over place here. That often causes very nice contrast betwen these old-style architectural piecer standing right next to modern university or business buildings. The very same phenomenon can be seen on the picture, as the Liberation Monument stands right next to super-modern glass building.



Tak a som znova naspat v Innsbrucku. A kedze som naspat, dostavaju znova zelenu aj "IBK posty" :D Dnesna #architecturalphotography tema mi prisla vhod, kedze chcem priblizit kontrast, ktory som si vsimol hadam hned prvy den mojho pobytu tu. X (neviem to prelozit) bola postavena medzi 1946 and 1948, sponzorovana Francuzmi a pripomina oslobodenie Rakuska po siedmych rokoch okupacie nacistami. Tak, dejepisu na dnes stacilo, odtoho je tu aj tak @krakonos.

Tak co je ta typicka vec?

Innsbruck bol vzdy jedno z hlavnych a dominantnych miest Rakuska. Len si otvorte jeho Wikipedia stranky a uvidite o com rozpravam. Toto sposobilo, ze po celom meste su roztrusene kadejake stare budovy a sochy. No a neda sa nevsimnut, ako casto tak vznika kontrast medzi tymito historickymi kuskami a modernou architekturou. Presne takuto scenu mozte pozorovat na fotke tohto X (monumentu oslobodenia?) stojaceho rovno vedla moderneho sidla plynovej spolocnosti postaveneho minuly rok.


Second picture is also my entry for today´s #architecturalphotography contest hosted by @juliank.

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